Italy 2010 Vancouver Olympics
Sports Athletes There are Italians in every sport except for freestyle skiing (fourteen sports) There are 110 male and female athletes in this years Winter Olympics.
Medal Winners Pietro Piller Cottrer, Cross-Country Skiing, silver. Arianna Fontana, Short Track, bronze Pittin Allessandro, Nordic Combined-individual NH/10 km CC, bronze Zoeggeler Armin, Luge-men’s singles, bronze Giuliano Razzoli, Alpine Skiing, gold
Razzoli Razzoli was the first-leg leader and had a combined two-run time of 1 minute, seconds to become the first Italian man to win an Alpine medal since his mentor, the flamboyant Alberto Tomba, took slalom silver at Lillehammer in Tomba won the slalom at Calgary in 1988, and was the last Italian man to win a gold, in the giant slalom at Albertville in 1992.
Government Italy has been a democratic country since June 2,1946 The branches of government are Executive —There is a president. He nominates the prime minister. The prime minister chooses the other ministers (cabinet). Legislative --bicameral parliament: 630-member Chamber of Deputies, 315-member Senate. The parliament is popularly elected. Judicial— there is a constitutional court but it is not as powerful as the US Supreme Court. The current president in Italy is Giorgio Napolitano and prime minister is Silvio Burlusconi.
Geography Italy’s shaped like a boot. It is a peninsula the three bodies of water surrounding it are The Mediterranean Sea, The Adriatic Sea, and The Ioinian Sea. Some of the popular cities in Italy are Rome, Milan, Naples, and Turin. Italy is located in Southern Europe. It is on the northern side of the equator.
Map Of Italy
People The main language of Italy is Italian. The main religion is catholic. –It s home to the pope The population is 58,145,320. Some of the popular jobs in Italy are cooking and teaching. Italy’s literacy rate is Italy’s life expectancy for males is 72.8, for females 82.2.
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