1 Juan R. FERRO TETRA Association Board Member
2 A TETRA Market Overview
Slide 3 TETRA : a global technology More than 1075 systems and terminals in operation. More than 88 countries in the world are using TETRA More than 17 TETRA manufactures. More than 50 companies providing value added applications on TETRA.
Slide 4 TETRA Contracts Growth - World
Slide 5 TETRA Contracts by Region
Slide 6 TETRA Contracts by Sector - World
Slide 7 TETRA – an Open Standard Strong multivendor support High capacity - ideal for shared networks Longevity of investment –20 years + –Ongoing enhancements –New applications on installed infrastructure Data Applications TETRA 2
Slide 8 Manufacturers’ Base in 2000 Cleartone (terminals) Marconi (systems & terminals) Motorola (systems & terminals) Nokia (systems & terminals) Simoco (systems & terminals) Teltronic (terminals)
Slide 9 Manufacturers’ Base in 2006 Motorola (systems & terminals) EADS (systems & terminals) Selex (systems & terminals) Teltronic (systems & terminals) Damm Cellular (systems) ETELM (systems) Frequentis (systems) R&S Bick Mobilfunk (systems) Rohill (systems) Artevea (systems) Thales-ISR (systems) Cleartone (terminals) FWK/DeTeWe (terminals) Sepura (terminals) ThalesDefence(terminals) Further new manufacturers coming from China, Korea, India, Russia …
Slide 10 Encouraging Innovation Specialist markets served –Intrinsically Safe radios –Integrated GPS devices –End to End Encryption –Specialised Repeaters –Covert Radios –Colour displays –Data applications
Slide 11 Interoperability TETRA Association Manages the Interoperability Process Independent Testing by ISCTI Interoperability certificates available for download Ensures compatible products
Slide 12 TETRA Interoperability (IOP) MoU Certification Body Testing User requirements & Operational User cases Operator User Association Technical Forum Manufacturer TIP Groups V+D, ISI, DMO Certified Products Maintenance
Slide 13 A selection of multi-vendor TETRA systems SYSTEM NAME & COUNTRY NETWORK SUPPLIER TERMINAL SUPPLIERS CleartoneMotorolaNokiaOTESepuraTeltronic Agora (Spain)Nokia Airwave (UK)Motorola ASTRID (Belgium)Nokia Barcelona (Spain)Teltronic B-P-Y (Russia)OTE Vienna (Austria)Frequentis C2000 (The Netherlands)Motorola Lueneburg (Germany) R&S Bick Mobilfunk ENERGIE AG (Austria)Frequentis Geneve (Switzerland)ETELM KELAG (Austria)Frequentis Marseille Transport (France)ETELM MIA (Kazakhstan)Teltronic MOD (Norway) R&S Bick Mobilfunk Mont Blanc (France)OTE Public Safety (Greece)Motorola Protección Civil (Venezuela)Teltronic Sakhalin (Russia)OTE Sibneft (Russia) R&S Bick Mobilfunk VIRVE (Finland)Nokia
Slide 14 Asia Pacific by Country
Slide 15 Asia Pacific by sector
Slide 16 TETRA in China 43 TETRA systems already deployed ( 4% of overall contracts) China is one of largest potential markets for TETRA in the world. Many local companies have announced the launching of TETRA hand portables. Nevertheless, the TETRA penetration is still very low in China.
Slide 17 TETRA users in China (i) PSS –Shangai Police –Honk Kong Police –Honk Kong Fire –Beijing Municipality –Beijing Police –Tianjin Public Security
Slide 18 TETRA users in China (ii) Transportation –Tiajin Metro –Beijing Metro –Nanjing Metro –Honk Kong Metro –Guangzhou Metro –Shenzhen Metro –Ningqi Railway –Kowloon Railway –Shangai Port –Xiamen Harbour
Slide 19 TETRA users in China (iii) Utilities –China Light and Power, H.K. –Tianjin Water Office Military –Military Airports
Slide 20 TETRA : the benefits for the users (i) In general, and with reference to the analogue PMR technologies: –Superb Quality of voice. –Advanced Data Services: SMS IP data Real time data at 28,8 kbps. –4 times better spectrum efficiency. –Connectivity to other telecom systems.
Slide 21 TETRA : the benefits for the users (ii) –Duplex calls –Simultaneous voice and data –Handover –Scalability –GPS inside in terminals –Multiple & High Levels of Security –Enhanced direct mode. –Etc.
Slide 22 TETRA for China TETRA is successfully deployed in a wide variety of applications world-wide TETRA has group working, mobility management, multiple encryption capabilities, Air to Ground, Simultaneous Voice & Data, etc. required by mission critical users and others TETRA is ideally suited to many of the potential applications that you may have here in China.
23 Thank You