21 ST CENTURY LEADERS. The role of business schools (and employers).
21 ST CENTURY LEADERS Help Shape Curriculum ›Bring academics and employers together ›Identify skill gaps between what employers need and what students are learning ›UK wide events and inputs 21ST CENTURY LEADERSHIP, CMI, JUNE 2014
CONTEXT. ›Largest undergraduate course taught in UK ›231,480 F/T & P/T students ›105,770 post graduate students Source HESA data 2012/13 21ST CENTURY LEADERSHIP, CMI, JUNE 2014
SO WHY CHANGE? ›31% of employers: no business case ›40% employers: business schools don’t understand their needs ›47% employers don’t know if business schools are well connected with the local business 21ST CENTURY LEADERSHIP, CMI, JUNE 2014
EMPLOYERS WANT 5 THINGS. 1. Work Experience: Make it Easier & Mandatory 2. People management skills 3. Improved SME Offer 4. Managers with: ◦Ethics and integrity ◦A global mindset 5. Professional Practical Qualifications 21ST CENTURY LEADERSHIP, CMI, JUNE 2014
1. WORK EXPERIENCE: EASY & MANDATORY ›Work experience to be mandatory for every student ›Make it easier for employers: ›one-stop portals ›single point of contact ›remove barriers e.g. excessive form filling ›keep pay levels reasonable ›swift and effective support ›Mentoring schemes 21ST CENTURY LEADERSHIP, CMI, JUNE 2014
2. PEOPLE MANAGEMENT SKILLS. Learners need to be able to: ◦Communicate and persuade ◦Have difficult conversations about performance ◦Manage projects ◦Work in a team ›Management modules for non-business/ management students 21ST CENTURY LEADERSHIP, CMI, JUNE 2014
3. IMPROVED SME OFFER. ›Closer relationships with employers e.g. via LEPs or local chapters of professional bodies ›Accreditation with Small Business Charter Award ›Co-design or co-deliver with SMEs ›Teach entrepreneurial skills 21ST CENTURY LEADERSHIP, CMI, JUNE 2014
4. MANAGERS WITH ETHICS, INTEGRITY & GLOBAL MINDSET. ›All students should study abroad ›Use cross-cultural communities to build cultural knowledge ›Teach ethics and sustainability as core for business and management degrees 21ST CENTURY LEADERSHIP, CMI, JUNE 2014
5. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICAL QUALIFICATIONS ›Integrate professional qualifications into curriculum ›Give employers evidence of practical skills ›Chartered Manager/Qualification gives global competitive advantage “75% OF EMPLOYERS SAID THAT MORE GRADUATES SHOULD SEEK PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS” 21ST CENTURY LEADERSHIP, CMI, JUNE 2014