Meeting Outcomes Define 21 st Century Learning Build Understanding the essential characteristics of 21 st Century Classrooms Feedback from English Learner Stakeholders
Common Core Standards are Here to Stay! But we already have standards… why change?
College and Career Readiness Too many students are not prepared to succeed in the 21 st century… In 2010, 23,600 of 47,900 college freshman in the California University system required remedial courses in English, math or BOTH.
The CCSS focus is to guarantee that all students are college and career ready as they exit from high school.
Additional Resources
Knowledge of core content is no longer sufficient. Even if all students mastered core academic subjects, they still would be underprepared to succeed in college and career. Students need 21 st Century Skills! 21 st Century Skills 7
21 st Century Learning will provide our students with the skills they need to be successful in school and.... in the world in which they will live and work when they leave our schools.
21 st Century Learners in Action 6/7 Middle School Rube Goldberg Projects Kimberly HS IDEO The deep Dive – Shopping Cart Project Spanish - IDEO The deep Dive – Shopping Cart Project