66° Congresso Nazionale di Pediatria Tendenze demografiche, cambiamenti tecnologici e crescita economica nei paesi avanzati Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Membro del Comitato esecutivo, Banca centrale europea
Average contribution to real per capita GDP growth (Growth rates, in % ) Source: ECB computation on World Bank, WDI database 1
Trends in youth population (Percentage of population aged 14 years and below) Source: World Bank. 2
Trends in working age population (Percentage of population aged between 15 and 64) Source: World Bank. 3
Developments in R&D expenditure (Public expenditure on R&D as % of GDP) Source: World Bank. Note: For Italy and Brazil the latest available data point is
Sources: Barro-Lee (2010); World Bank, WDI database. Human capital and economic growth Number of years of schooling Real GDP per capita (constant 2000 USD) 5
Source: Goldin and Katz (2007). Note: “College graduate wage premium” is based on the college / high school wage differential (in logs). “High school graduate wage premium” is based on the high school / eighth grade wage differential (in logs). Growing wage premium to high skilled labour and wage differential in the US 6
Source: OECD. Note: upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education = 100. Data for Italy refer to 2006 (latest available year). Relative earnings from employment, by level of educational attainment for year-olds, “…when it comes to changes in the wage structure and returns to skill, supply changes are critical, and education changes are by far the most important on the supply side.” (Goldin and Katz, 2007)
Level of education Percentage of population with at least upper secondary education (2008) Source: OECD. Percentage of population with tertiary education (2008) 8
Public spending on education (Total public spending on education as % of government expenditure) Source: World Bank. 9
Full-time graduate students in science and engineering in the US (I) Source: National Science Foundation. 10
Full-time graduate students in science and engineering in the US (II) Source: National Science Foundation. (% of total graduates ) 11
Countries of origin of non-US citizens earning PhDs at US colleges and universities (% of total doctorates awarded) Source: National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. 12