RegCM3: Changes in Model Configuration to better Represent Lakes Mark A. Snyder, Lisa C. Sloan, Travis O’Brien, and Kathleen Uzilov Climate Change and Impacts Laboratory Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences University of California, Santa Cruz NARCCAP User’s Meeting | April 10, 2012
RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 Great Lakes treatment Lakes in the RegCM3-NCEP runs were set to SST values and don’t have the seasonality problem Why were the RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 runs done differently? –SST data was not available over land areas in the driving data
RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 Great Lakes treatment Without SSTs over land, RegCM3 reverts to a simplified treatment of lakes. Initial lake SSTs were assigned using downward-extrapolated air temperature. After the initial time step, the BATS land surface model calculates the temperatures at lake grid points. Grid points designated as lakes use the BATS parameterization for inland water (land use category 14).
RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 Great Lakes treatment The problem with the simplified lake treatment is that the lake SSTs are tied to surface air temperature and are too cool in winter and too warm in summer Original GFDL historical run on left, DJF average temperature
RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 Great Lakes treatment The problem with the simplified lake treatment is that the lake SSTs are tied to surface air temperature and are too cool in winter and too warm in summer Original GFDL historical run on left, JJA average temperature
RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 Great Lakes treatment Re-run of RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 cases –Take original SST datasets from GFDL and CGCM3, with no values over land, and create new interpolated across land datasets. –Use the NCL poisson_grid_fill function to do this ( -in/poisson_grid_fill.shtml) –Use new SST datasets to create boundary conditions for RegCM3
RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 Great Lakes treatment Original GFDL SSTs, at one time slice
RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 Great Lakes treatment SSTs after interpolation, note the function does not effect values over the ocean, it only generates values over land
RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 Great Lakes treatment Re-run of RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 cases –Values of SSTs for the Great Lakes are now assigned using the new interpolated SST datasets –Re-runs of RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 historical and future cases are now complete (Historical v2 and Future v2) –Seasonal SSTs for the Great Lakes are now more realistic
GFDL DJF surface air temperature from the original (left) and v2 (right) historical runs Note the warmer temps over Great Lakes in the v2 runs on the right
GFDL DJF surface air temperature from the original and v2 future runs Note the warmer temps over Great Lakes in the v2 runs on the right
GFDL JJA surface air temperature from the original and v2 historical runs Note the cooler temps over Great Lakes in the v2 runs on the right
GFDL JJA surface air temperature from the original and v2 future runs Note the cooler temps over Great Lakes in the v2 runs on the right
Conclusions Great Lakes SSTs in original RegCM3- GFDL and CGCM3 runs were getting the seasonal cycle wrong Re-run of RegCM3-GFDL and CGCM3 with new SST treatment has improved the seasonal cycle