Frayer (1) The GBT 4mm Rx David T. Frayer (NRAO) Instrument’s purpose: GHz spectral-line science {Called “4mm” since middle of band is 80GHz (3.75mm) and plans for future higher frequency Rx at mm} First Light Spectrum: May 2011 Commissioned: Jan-Mar 2012 Amplifier upgrade: Nov 2012
Frayer (2) 2.3 acre collecting area 485 ft 151 ft At 100 m, the GBT is the largest fully steerable telescope in the world.
Frayer (3) Improvements to Surface Makes 3mm Possible (From Todd Hunter, PTCS group)
Frayer (4) University of Georgia, Sept actuators The Active Surface Currently rms < 240μm at night, the goal is ~200μm
Frayer (5) GBT Effective Collecting Area (η a * Area) Assumes current ~240um rms surface errors 35% at 90 GHz most sensitive facility at Q and 4mm (ALMA ”band2”)
Frayer (6) Weather at Green Bank good for 3mm observations for hrs per year Hours available per year with acceptable winds and tau: (from Ron Maddalena’s weather studies)
Frayer (7) Rx Block Diagram Specs: Dual beam (4.7’) separation (cold load between beams) Dual linear polarization for both beams, 1/4plate allows circular polarization for 1 beam for VLBI observations Frequency Range: GHz IF system 4 separate bands: [FL GHz], [FL GHz], [FL GHz], [FL GHz]
Frayer (8) Installation, calibration wheel and external cover
Frayer (9) 4mm Calibration Wheel Wheel Position (defined wrt Beam1) Beam 1Beam 2 0ObservingSky 1Cold1ColdWarm 2Position21/4wave circ Sky 3Position3Sky 4Cold2WarmCold 5Position5Sky1/4wave Circ Beam1Beam Cold Warm 1/4
Frayer (10) CDL LNA’s optimized for 4mm Band (installed Nov 2012)
Frayer (11) 4mm Performance and Tsys Improvement Boxes are original system, while diamonds show Tsys after new amplifiers. Aperture and main-beam efficiency of the dish given to the right as dotted and solid lines respectively. (tau_90GHz~0.18 for both sets of measurements)
Frayer (12) Latest Performance Measurements Tsys~60-70K over central band and under 100K from GHz (tau_90 GHz~0.08)
Frayer (13) Science with 4 mm Rx, Lines: Dense gas tracers in star-forming regions and nearby galaxies (HCN, HNC, HCO+ all at ~90GHz) D-species in cold cloud cores (~70- 80GHz) Astro/bio-chemistry (throughout the band)
Frayer (14) 4mm Rx: Cold starless-cores molecular freeze-out D-species enhanced WVU 2/23/12 N2D+ in L1544 at 77 GHz (S. Schnee et al.) N2H+ in W3OH at 93 GHz
Frayer (15) HCN/HCO+ in M31 Molecular Clouds, A. Schruba et al.
Frayer (16) 4mm: Dense gas and Molecular Diversity in Nearby Galaxies M82 H2CO (formaldehyde) & HC3N (J. Mangum)
Frayer (17) 4mm Mapping M82 HCO+(1-0) contours on VLA 6cm image (A. Kepley et al.)
Frayer (18) Orion-KL Spectral Line Survey GHz (Frayer et al.)
Frayer (19) Zoomed in spectrum on Orion-KL GHz
Frayer (20) Example VLBA+GBT-4mm fringes GBT VLBI will probe the physics near the base of black hole jets in nearby galaxies and directly measure the size of the galaxy via parallax of SagA*.
Frayer (21) Web Links… 4mm Web Page: 4mm Wiki: 4mm Commissioning Wiki (latest info on performance and notes for users):