Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace: Verbal Communication Unit B: Working with Customers
Objectives Understand customer service basics Communicate empathetically Ask questions to understand problems Deny requests
Objectives Cope with angry customers Deal with the unexpected Work with customers with disabilities
Understanding Customer Service Basics Successful customer service is the lifeblood of any business. Customer service refers to an organization’s relationship with its customers: Meeting expectations Listing to customers’ statements Identifying customers’ wants and needs Developing customer-friendly procedures to serve them.
Understanding Customer Service Basics When providing customer service, be sure to: Communicate a professional image Listen to customers Ask questions Exceed expectations Provide service even without an immediate payoff Respond personally
Understanding Customer Service Basics Rating customer service
Communicating Empathetically Empathy is your capacity to understand another person’s feelings or state of mind. Customers value working with people who can understand their point of view and help them work through a problem or achieve a goal.
Communicating Empathetically Guidelines for communicating empathetically: Determine the context Address the customer’s emotions Put customers at ease Acknowledge customer efforts Use listener-centered language
Communicating Empathetically Listener-centered language
Asking Questions to Understand Problems Asking questions helps you listen carefully, clarify messages, encourage customer communication, and resolve problems. Effective questioning means knowing which questions to ask, when to ask them, and how to phrase them.
Asking Questions to Understand Problems Guidelines for asking questions: Ask the appropriate type of question Establish rapport Clarify understanding Motivate the customer
Asking Questions to Understand Problems Types of questions
Denying Requests Sometimes you have to deny customers’ requests. Your goal should be to make sure the customer understands and acknowledges the negative message. Conveying empathy helps maintain goodwill.
Denying Requests Guidelines for denying requests: Rephrase the request Explain the reasons Tell them what you can do Try turning a “no” into a “yes” Be aware of your nonverbal communication
Denying Requests Steps for denying a request
Coping with Angry Customers Customers might be angry because your company failed to meet their expectations, made an error, or otherwise caused problems for them. You should confront the problem immediately and defuse their anger.
Coping with Angry Customers Guidelines for coping with angry customers: Remember why they are upset Avoid an audience Stay calm and neutral Apologize Explain how you will help Conclude with a thank you
Coping with Angry Customers Conversation with an angry customer
Dealing with the Unexpected Unexpected scenarios are common in business. Anticipate problems and unexpected obstacles and develop backup plans if possible.
Dealing with the Unexpected Guidelines for dealing with the unexpected: Take responsibility Show enthusiasm Keep the customer informed Ask for help Ensure health and safety
Working with Customers with Disabilities A disability is a lack of physical or mental ability relative to some standard or norm. Over 50 million Americans have disabilities or impairments, so you are likely to work with affected customers.
Working with Customers with Disabilities Guidelines for communicating with customers with disabilities: Speak slowly and clearly Maintain eye contact Let them set the pace Always ask first Use appropriate language
Internet Monitoring Many companies monitor the Internet for activities and comments related to their products and services. Internet monitoring tools monitor Internet activity in different ways. Google Alerts is a popular Internet monitoring tool.
Internet Monitoring Managing Google Alerts
Summary Mastering the basics of customer service is important to all businesses. Use empathy when communicating with customers. Ask questions to understand problems. Follow the guidelines for denying requests. Be prepared for coping with angry customers.
Summary Follow basic guidelines for dealing with unexpected scenarios and obstacles. Be prepared to deal with customers with disabilities.