Rowland Unified School District District Local Education Agency (LEA)Plan Update Principals Meeting November 16, 2015
District Plans for Federal and State Programs LEAP – Local Education Agency Plan (Federal Funds Title I, Title II, and Title III) LCAP – Local Control Accountability Plan (Local Control Funding Formula) SPSA – Single Plan for Student Achievement (School Allocations)
Local Education Agency Plans What do all plans share? ◦Support the mission, vision and objectives of the district and site ◦Based on an analysis of data and needs assessments ◦Same end result desired – achievement of district and site goals ◦Allocation of resources aligned to goals and objectives ◦A systemic method of monitoring implementation and results
District Direction Goals and Focus Areas (1) Academic Achievement for All Students (2) Communicate and Collaborate (3) Fiscal Responsibility and (5) Facilities (4) Student and Staff Safety and Wellness (6) Leadership
LCFF/LCAP State Priorities
LEA Plan Federal Programs Title I –Serves students not making progress in academic standards Title II-Funds for recruiting, retaining “Highly Qualified Teachers” and staff development Title III-Services provided for English Learners according to the Title III Plan
Title I Requirements Title I is one part of the No Child Left Behind/Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). It is a federally funded program that provides support for students and groups of students who are at risk of not mastering Common Core State Standards by providing interventions
Connecting LCAP and LEA LCAP State requirement Based on new funding model (LCFF) 8 state priorities Defines the core Plan for significant student groups Stakeholder input 3 year plan to be revised annually Due to County for approval by June LEA Federal and state requirement 5 goals Describes how Federal Categorical funds district receives will be used to support identified students and support the core Stakeholder input 3 year plan to be revised annually Approval by the board and CDE
District Direction and Focus Areas LCAP (State) 8 Priorities All students LEA (Federal) 5 Areas Title I Students Academic Achievement for All Students Student Achievement Common Core State Standards Course Access High Standards for all students in English language arts and math Programs and support services for English learners Increase Graduation Rate Communicate and Collaborate Parental Involvement Fiscal Responsibility Student and Staff Safety and Wellness School Climate Student Engagement Safe and Drug Free Schools (NA) Facilities Basic Services Williams Leadership Other Student Outcomes Ensure all staff is Highly Qualified District Direction Alignment to State and Federal Programs
District Priorities and Focus Areas Local Education Agency Plan Federal Funds and District PI Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) State Funds Single Plan for Student Achievement SPSA
LEA Plan Defined The LEA Plan is comprehensive and establishes a common direction for raising the academic focus for ALL student groups to achieve state academic standards and is used to guide implementation of federal programs and allocation of resources. Rowland Unified is in Program Improvement Year 3 Must send Program Improvement Letter to all parents Must annually update the LEA and submit Evidence Of Progress to CDE
Let’s Review LEA Plan Goals!
LEA GOALS Goal 1 – High Standards for all students in English Language Arts and Mathematics Title I Goal 2 – Programs and support services for English learners Title III Goal 3 – Ensure all staff is Highly Qualified Title II Goal 4 – Safe and Drug Free Schools (NA) Goal 5 – Increase Graduation Rate Title I, Title II, and Title III
LEA Plan Performance Goals CCSS/ELD Standards-based Instructional Materials District Summative and Interim Assessments and Data Analysis Multi-Tiered Interventions Auxiliary Programs Technology Parent Involvement and Education AVID Professional Development
The Cycle of Continuous Improvement in the Development of the LEA Monitor and Evaluate Federal Programs Goals Develop Actions for the goals based on data Implement LEA Actions Three Year Plan
RUSD Stakeholders Provide LEA Plan Input Parent Groups Students (Assessment Data ) Community Groups Teachers and Administrators District Leadership Team LCAP Advisory Council LEA Advisory Council Board of Education
Local Education Agency Plan Meetings LEA Meeting OverviewJuly 15, 2015 LEA Goals ELA/Mathematics August 27, 2015 LEA Goals English Learner/GraduationSeptember 23, 2015 LEA Board Approval Date November 10, 2015
Highlights of LEA ELA Goal Ensure full implementation of the ELA/ELD Language Arts framework implementation across the district TK-12 including: Access and Equity, Learning in the 21st Century Implementing High Quality ELA/ELD instruction, Professional learning, Leadership and Program Supports for Students at Risk, English Learners and Students with Disabilities.
Highlights of LEA ELA Goal Cont.. Identify technology needs and implement training to integrate technology into the teaching core subjects. Implement a Multi-tiered System of Support that Integrates instructional and intervention support so that systemic changes are sustainable and based on CCSS-aligned classroom instruction. Provide a structure such as PLC at the District level for Administrators and at the sites for teachers that allows for collaboration in developing professional development and identifying appropriate support curriculum for General education and Special Education teachers.
Highlights of Mathematics Ensure a guaranteed curriculum that addresses the essential standards and integrates the California Common Core State standards (CCSS) and the ELD Standards so that students are college and career ready. Continue to implement the components of an effective Mathematics program as outlined in the Mathematics Framework and ensure full implementation across the district K-12 including; Universal Access, Instructional Strategies, required instructional time, using best practices, and providing support strategies for English Learners and Special Education Students and close the achievement gap.
Highlights of Mathematics Cont. District will identify math support (time and curriculum) in order to provide further access to Algebra 1 and higher mathematics courses. District will implement a math pathways and support classes that will increase student access in meeting A-G requirements.
Highlights of English Learner Continue to define, implement and monitor the district’s English Language Development program to include: appropriate curriculum, proper placement, instructional minutes, standards-based materials and instructional coaching. Provide training, monitor and ensure English Language Development instruction is directly linked to English Language Development standards in all domains and supports the acquisition of academic language with an emphasis in Speaking and Listening, Provide training, monitor and ensure all core subjects subject instruction is directly linked to English Language Development standards in all domains and supports the acquisition of academic language with an emphasis in Reading and Writing
Highlights of English Learner Cont. Provide training, monitor and ensure all core subjects subject instruction is directly linked to English Language Development standards in all domains and supports the acquisition of academic language with an emphasis in Reading and Writing.
Highlights High School Graduation Increase counselor contact monitor, advise, and support at-risk students Support AVID classes at middle and high schools to increase college going rate and increase numbers of successful AP/IB students
Highlights High School Graduation Cont. Counselors will notify and meet with parents and students regarding middle school course requirement, high school graduation requirements, and high school course A-G requirements. Develop and maintain an electronic individual student graduation plan that monitors student completion six ad four-year graduation plan including UC/CSU requirements. (CCGI)
Next Steps Present LEA Plan at a School Site Council Meeting and ELAC Meeting. FPM schools must ensure that parents are aware of the LEA Plan Goals, purpose and implementation at district and site.