Assessment of Learning: A College’s Cycle of Outcomes, Assessment & Organizational Transformation College of Alameda October 26, 2010 Lynn A. Null, M.Ed. Child Development Program Director/Instructor Western Oklahoma State College
Session Outcomes Design a procedure for collecting direct and indirect evidence of student learning for program improvements, and accreditation reviews Take the results of assessments and compile a profile of how students are advancing and mastering skills. Use data to make curriculum revision decisions.
Envisioning the Student’s Journey
The Major Question What do students need to be able to DO “out there” that we are responsible for “in here?”
The “Aha” “True wisdom lies in discovering that there are no ultimate answers, only good questions.”
Question Posing: 1.) What might we do to respond to our students needs? 2.) Does this data raise new questions? 3.) What key elements of this program outcome/standard are strengths for our students? 4.) Which are more of a challenge?
The Eddys The Minor Eddy – Periodic interruption to make program adjustments – Program faculty meet to discuss-e.g. after each term or annually The Major Eddy – Requires a lengthy amount of time---a 2-3 year review of 1-3 days
Closing the Assessment Loop: The Assessment Process From Outcomes To Quality Improvement
Change In An Organization Comes From a Shift of Imagination!