‘Who’s going to listen to this by the way?’ Co-construction in qualitative research interviewing Stefanie Reissner 9 th Annual Teaching Research Methods to Business and Management Students Workshop
Theoretical assumptions Social constructionist perspective. Interview data as outcome of joint process of knowledge creation. Active role of interviewer and interviewee. Perception of qualitative interviewing as power- and conflict-free zone.
But… To what extent is this really the case? By what strategies do interviewer and interviewee lead the interview, exercise power and dominate? What are the implications on claims of co- construction of knowledge? How do we know that co-construction of knowledge has take place?
Group work 1.Read through the hand-out to familiarise yourself with the material. 2.In small groups, consider what knowledge was co-created during the interview in question. 3.Discuss the material in relation to your experiences of qualitative interviewing and your teaching practice.
Teaching it through… Transcript and visualisation Interview recording Role play Video recording Other suggestions?
My reflections Preparing students for messy situations. Enhancing critical ability and self awareness. Increasing robustness of qualitative interviewing practice. But: –Course structure, aims and outcomes –Appropriateness for student cohort –Investment in (professional) teaching resources
What about yours? Financial support by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) under grant No. RES A for the research from which paper derives is gratefully acknowledged.