Literature Reviews
Why? Provide you with background information Provide you with a theoretical base Helps clarify/sharpen your problem Provide you with possible methodologies; keeps you from reinventing the wheel Gives you a basis for comparison Inspires confidence in the reader
How? Think about your problem Make a basic outline of what you may need to research Search those areas
Databases Use key words ERIC Wilson Other data bases
Primary Sources Go to the original articles If everybody cites a study, find it Use the lit. rev. of other studies as a guide
Published Lit. Reviews Review of Educational Research Handbook of Research in Teaching – Provide summaries and bibliographies – Source of articles for background information
Internet Google Scholar Open Access Journals Beware—not all that is posted is reviewed
Journals Get empirical studies NOT OPINION articles Use research not practitioner journals – Do they present data? – Do they outline their methods?
Books Dated and long Use sparingly
When am I done??? Same names and articles keep reappearing You are getting nothing new Your framework is logical and sufficient Making a synthesis, not a collection! Keep your eyes open throughout the “research journey” PS Reference List v. Bibliography
Start Reading Use the abstract Keep track of which articles you really want to read Copy call number/complete citations Direct quotations need page numbers (so also note direct quotations from paraphrasing)
Reading Notes or complete copy? Note taking - cards or computer? Read sections or entire paper? Evaluate as you read—take notes Code what you read as you read it (to match outline) Tweak your outline if necessary
Writing your Lit. Review Recall purpose Organize Synthesize Evaluate what others have done
Writing Lit. Rev. 1.Make an outline 2.Ensure a logical flow 3.Group similar articles and compare What do they have in common What is different Present summary of what is known
Cont. 4. Use direct quote sparingly (paraphrase but cite) 5. Conclude with a brief summary and 6.Implications for your study to 7.Transition to the next chapter
APA Follow the guidelines of APA in your paper. Hints to using it for references are on the class Pilot web site. Another good reference can be found at 560/01/
Closure At the end of today You should have a question. You should be able to find literature on your topic. You should know how to write a literature review