Dragon, Dragon by John Gardner pg. 461
Order of Events We will read “Dragon. Dragon” found on page 461 of our literature books. intro of “Dragon, Dragon” Shutter Book Project Get to work
Dragon, Dragon Pg 461 As you read, be thinking about the story elements we have been learning about.
Shutter Book Directions Your task is to create a shutter book that shows what you know about the story elements of “Dragon, Dragon” On the inside of each flap you will describe the story elements of “Dragon, Dragon” You will complete a plot diagram in the middle On the back, you will draw a picture of what you visualized while reading your favorite part of the story
How you will be graded Description: Points Possible Points Earned On the inside panel for each term, the correct information is identified in complete sentences (4 pts/panel) 24 Plot Diagram20 Neatly drawn, colored picture of an event from the story 10 Proper MLA heading and citation6 Overall Appearance5 Total:65 Comments:
MLA Citation Put on back of Shutter book Gardner, John. “Dragon, Dragon.” Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. Ed. Carol Domblewski. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Print. Hanging indent
Lets get to work! You’ve got today, Monday and Tuesday to work on this. Use your time wisely