Vermont Communications (VCOMM) Board Meeting Randolph, VT August 2, 2007
Emergency Request Summary StatusNumber of RequestsAmount Requested Pending 19$196,446 Need More Information 15$166,427 Denied 17$668,180 Status Number of Requests Funding Source FY04FY05FY06Total Approved 47$2,716$27,239$310,817$340,772 $593,183 remaining in FY06 to be used for emergency requests
Radio Reprogramming 177 agencies reprogrammed with U-Call/V-Call and U-Tac/V-Tac 265 agencies still need to be reprogrammed PSAPs will be reprogrammed with U-Call and V-Call only during the build-out of the Lifeline System by the vendor that is chosen for the project. The estimated time of completion for this part of the project is 2008.
Frequency Coordination License Applications for Mountaintop sites Securing (2) UHF and (2) VHF frequencies
Project Manager Getting familiarized with VCOMM Project Reviewing RFPs and making recommendations to the VCOMM Steering Committee Doing site visits with the chosen vendor for the Lifeline build-out
PSIC Grant Program Public Safety Interoperable Communications (PSIC) Grant Program Vermont received $4,476,761 out of $968,385,000 to assist public safety agencies to improve the state of the Nation’s interoperable communications States must submit an Investment Justification, a Statewide Interoperable Communications Plan and MOUs (for State’s holding grant funds on behalf of local entities) by November 1, 2007
PSIC Grant Guidance PSIC will NOT support projects whose purpose falls into the categories discussed below: –1. Single-Agency Projects. PSIC will not support projects whose emphasis is on the internal communications needs of a single agency, even if the agency has a considerable number of offices or users in different cities or regions of the State/Territory. Investments should include multiple agencies and/or multiple disciplines. –2. Single Jurisdiction. PSIC will not support an interoperability project that only serves a single jurisdiction. Investment Justifications should be multi-jurisdictional and/or regional in scope, as supported by the Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 SAFECOM Grant Guidance.3 –3. Isolation from 700 MHz Band. PSIC will not support an interoperability project that does not have the capability to interoperate with equipment or systems in the 700 MHz frequency band presently or in the future when it becomes available.
PSIC Planned Uses PSIC will be used to accomplish the Lifeline build-out where the Homeland Security grants have restrictive AELs that don't allow for the use for certain items (bricks & mortar, frequency coordination fees, permit fees, etc.)
FY07 HSU Funds Amount not yet determined –August 15 th Statewide Grants Review Committee meeting to determine final Investment funds Combine with FY06 Homeland Security and PSIC funds for the build-out of the Lifeline system
Memorandum of Understanding VCOMM is looking to enter into Memorandums of Understanding with the following for the purposes of interoperable communications for local and state emergency responders and other emergency officials: –Vermont Ambulance Association –Vermont Association of Police Chief’s –Vermont Career Fire Chief’s Association –Vermont Fire Chief’s Association –Vermont Sheriff’s Association –Vermont State Firefighters Association –Vermont State Police
DHART DHART Desire/need for a statewide frequency to be designated as the "STATE" LZ frequency