Team Successes at the Former Memphis Depot, Memphis, Tennessee Presented by: David D. Nelson, P.G.Thomas C. Holmes Project Manager, CH2M HillProject Manager, MACTEC Memphis Depot
Pathway to Success Q: What does it take for a former military facility to return to local community use? A: Teamwork, Open Communications, and Shared Goals
Regulatory Background RCRA Part B permit in 1990; FFA Agreement with EPA Region IV and TDEC in 1995; Closure under BRAC 1995; Memphis Depot ceased operations in 1997 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Process Remedial Investigation (RI) Feasibility Study (FS) Proposed Plan (PP) Record of Decision (ROD) Remedial Design (RD) * Remedial Action (RA) Key decision-making stages have been completed
Main Installation Environmental Aspects ROD process completed September 2001 Two site, two electron donor Enhanced Bioremediation Treatability Study as part of RD Completion of the MI Land Use Control Implementation Plan (LUCIP) Finding of Suitability to Transfer #3 - Transfer of ~360 acres Currently: Remedial Action Work Plan in progress; Long Term Monitoring for MNA begun in 2004
Main Installation Community Aspects The former Main Installation is now the Memphis Depot Business Park Percentage of “leasable” space that is leased: 73.5% 29 tenants 1,084 employees (same as when the Depot was operating)
Main Installation - Current View
Memphis Depot Business Park - Major Tenants
Memphis Depot Business Park
Dunn Field Environmental Aspects Comprehensive CWM and OE removal pre-ROD ROD process completed April 2004 Excavation, Transport, and Disposal Remedial Action to be completed by July 2004 Successful Field-Scale SVE and ZVI Injection Treatability Studies completed as part of RD LUCIP in progress EE/CA completed for Small Arms Firing Range Non-Time Critical Removal Action
Dunn Field Environmental Aspects (cont.) Early Remedy Implementation for control of groundwater plume Finding of Suitability to Transfer #4 - Transfer of ~41 acres Participation by the RAB in aspects of the decision-making process Two Additional RDs in Progress towards 2006 completion –Source Areas: Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE), Zero-Valent Iron injection (ZVI), Land Use Controls –Offsite Groundwater: Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) and Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA)
Dunn Field Community Aspects Conversion of northern portion of Dunn Field to a city park Southern half to be used for Memphis transportation needs - either city bus terminal of light rail
Local Community Involvement Community Involvement Program started 1993 Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) created 1994 Community Involvement Plan updated in 2005 Current activities include: Two RAB meetings per year Public Briefings for remedial designs as needed Community Information Sessions as needed EnviroNews published two times per year Two Information Repositories Websites – Memphis Depot ( and Administrative Record ( Fact sheets and Media Releases as needed
The Memphis Depot Team Defense Logistics Agency US Army Corps of Engineers - Huntsville Center and Mobile District Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence CH2M HILL Dept. of the Army - Southern Regional Environmental Office MitreTek Systems Environmental Protection Agency - Region IV Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation Depot Redevelopment Corporation MACTEC Frontline Communications MLGW City of Memphis Citizens of Surrounding Community Teamwork involves many players:
Team Successes at the Former Memphis Depot, Memphis, Tennessee Presented by: David D. Nelson, P.G.Thomas C. Holmes Project Manager, CH2M HillProject Manager, MACTEC Memphis Depot