SECRETARIAT WORK PROGRAMME 2009 PARIS21 Steering Committee meeting OECD Conference Centre 6 November 2008
INTRODUCTION Overall programme Approved during the former SC in June 2008 Proposed work programme 2009: Updated Taking into account priorities and new orientations
OUTLINE OF 2009 WORK PROGRAMME (1) A- COUNTRY ACTIVITIES NSDS implementation 1. Peer reviews 2. Advocacy 3. Statistical reporting B- REGIONAL OR SPECIFIC PROGRAMMES 1. Arab States 2. Island states 3. Fragile States (DECISION 3) (ref. following presentation) 1.
OUTLINE OF 2009 WORK PROGRAMME (2) C -GLOBAL REPORTING, STUDIES, TASK TEAMS 1. Ensuring reporting on NSDS progress 2. Donor’s reporting: PRESS (ref. morning presentation) 3. Launching three new studies D- MANAGEMENT PARIS21 evaluation (DECISION 2) PARIS21 Consortium (ref. following presentation) Funding Next Steering Committee (DECISION 5)
A Country activities (1) Facilitating the implementation (or design) of NSDS Focus on less-developed countries in Africa (fragile states) Launching new activities in Asia and Caribbean Strengthening the overall statistical system (support to National Statistical Councils) Encouraging national partnerships for funding statistics (ex: Mali) Target : at least 15 new countries covered Consolidating the Peer Review approach Anglophone Africa: three sets of countries Francophone Africa: a first set of countries (Niger, Burkina Faso)
A Country activities (2) Providing ad-hoc support on advocacy Focus on less-developed countries in Africa Enlarging support to Asia, Latin America and Caribbean Specific grant on advocacy in 6 countries On the basis of the Advocacy Toolkit Target of 25 countries for 2009 Encouraging statistical reporting at national level Country reporting guidelines available Support to National Councils of Statistics (portals on statistical systems) Target of 2 countries for 2009
B Regional activities (1) Arab States Maghreb workshop in December th Arab Forum in Cairo May 2009 Island states Specific issue of statistical capacity building in islands and small states Workshop Caribbean-Pacific as side meeting of UNSC 2009? NSDS workshop for the Caribbean June 2009 High-level policy makers and statisticians seminar in the Caribbean
C Global reporting, studies and task-teams Reporting Regular production of NSDS progress reporting tables Donor’s reporting: PRESS (ref. seminar and morning presentations) Studies Statistics and governance HR and training policies in the framework of NSDS Strategic management textbook Finalizing the on-going studies Task-Teams VSS (presentation to follow) Additional guidance on Intersect? Training in Africa: under the umbrella of ACBF Sub-national statistics: ADB leading
D Management (1) Evaluation Within the framework of the tracking process of the PARIS21 partnership Would be useful to have the results as main input for the Consortium Proposed to launch it beginning of 2009 (rather than 2010 after the consortium) DECISION 2 Consortium (ref. following presentation) Funding Deepened relations with DAC delegations and outside OECD Next Steering Committee: May 2009 PARIS DECISION 5
Organizational arrangements for 2009 PARIS21 Secretariat Manager Country and regional operations: Deputy Manager 2 Desk-Officers Communications Officer for Advocacy Partnership: Project Manager Studies-Task Teams Project Manager Consortium Organization Project Manager Reporting Administrative-Financial-IT Support 3.5 Administrative Assistants 0.2 IT support