Brett And Samantha
Page – A boy born by a Knight turns six or seven is sent from his home to a near by castle. Helped dress the lord and learned manners Religious training from the Chaplin Squire – If page shows promise at age fourteen becomes a squire. Also known as a Knights personal servant. Prayed every night Learned swordsmanship
Initially chain mail over body but later full plate armor Weighed pounds Put plate armor only in sensitive areas Helmets fully or partially covered the face Usually had crest Shield Wood or Metal
Great (long) sword – Two handed sword / larger Battle Ax Pole Ax – used to strike opponents head Dagger – back up sword Lance – long and usually made out of wood. Had spikes on the end. Bow and Arrow – Longbow, Crossbow War Horse
Knights faced each other with lances faced toward opponent. Charged at each other and separated by only a wooden fence. Object was to knock opponent off horse with a lance Many knights died Armor was hot and weighed around 50 pounds Highlight of castle life eature=related eature=related
The church told their people that God willed them to travel to Jerusalem to retake it from the Muslims. Many knights died of hungry, thirst, and disease. Usually took vows Went to get healed of their sins Misconception by the church
Income received a fief (income in exchange for services) Pillaging Expenses Horse Weapons Armor
Knights believed in the code of chivalry They were expected to be humble and courteous – especially to women Did not extend to peasants “They could sometimes even rape young peasant women without fear of reprisal, all because they were part of the upper class.” (The Medieval Knight)
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