Miss Smith 7 th Grade Civics *pgs Civics in Practice
The U.S. Constitution is the oldest constitution still governing a country today
Magna Carta Guaranteed that free people could not be arrested, put in prison, or forced to leave their nation unless they were given a trial by a jury of their peers English Bill of Rights Guaranteed rights such as: the right to petition/request the government to improve or change laws The right to a fair punishment if a citizen were to be found guilty of a crime Parliamentary Government Parliament- the lawmaking body of Great Britain. It is bicameral (has 2 parts or “houses”) Each house can check the work of the other The head of Parliament is the Prime Minister
The Mayflower Compact First document to establish self government in the colonies The Enlightenment Philosophers such as John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Believed that government exists only by the “consent of the governed” Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Written by Thomas Jefferson Argued that government has no right to impose or interfere with religious practice
James Madison is considered the Father of the Constitution His journals are the only source that tells us what happened during the Constitutional Convention
Federalism- system of government that divides powers between national and state governments Compromise- agreement in which each side gives up part of its demands in order to reach a solution to a problem The Great Compromise- delegates compromised when they created 2 houses of Congress Senate: states have equal representation House of Representatives: each state is represented according to population size
Congress now has power to: Coin/print money Raise armed forces Regulate trade (among states and with foreign countries) Set taxes The president can carry out laws Supreme Court interprets laws
September 17, 1781 the Constitution was signed by 39 out of 42 framers/delegates
Ratification- official approval The Constitution had to be ratified by 9 out of the 13 states
Federalists- supporters of the Constitution who favored a strong national government Antifederalists- people who opposed the new Constitution and the federal system of government
The Bill of Rights was added to ease the minds of citizens so the Constitution would be approved The Constitution was put into effect in March 1789 George Washington was sworn in as president on April 30, 1789