Republic (a form of govt where power resides in the people and the govt is ruled by elected leaders run according to law (Latin: res publica) First-Fifth Republic
First Republic Malolos Republic -Malolos Congress in Barasoain Church President Emilio Aguinaldo He held office at the Malolos Cathedral Produced the Malolos Constitution, the blueprint of the 1935 Philippine Constitution, later the 1973 Philippine Constitution and the 1987 Constitution
Second Republic -during Japanese Occupation -most turbulent -President Jose P. Laurel in the Philippines -Commonwealth Government in the USA (Transition Government): President Manuel Quezon VP Sergio Osmena
Third Republic (1946) I. President Manuel Roxas Problems: 1. Issues on Japanese collaboration 2. Hukbalahap rebellion 3. no money for reconstruction 4. unemployment 5. inflation and devaluation (inflated circulation of money while its value is devaluated)
Third Republic II. President Elpidio Quirino (defeated President Jose P. Laurel) Problems: 1. Huklabahap 2. Philippine dependency on US economy because of various treaties 3. Conflicts between Nacionalista and Liberal Parties
Third Republic III. President Ramon Magsaysay ( ) -former manager of Try-Tan Bus Company; travels from province to province -always wore barong Tagalog Achievements: 1. agrarian reform 2. opened the Palace to the public 3. Japan agreed to pay US$ 550 B for war damages 4. Luis Taruc surrendered with the help of Benigno Aquino Jr.
Third Republic IV. President Carlos P. Garcia; VP Diosdado Macapagal -known for First Filipino Policy -worked for the revision of the Military Bases Agreement that resulted to: Ramos-Bohlen Treaty that shortened the years of US Military bases from 99 to 25 years.
Third Republic V. President Diosdado Macapagal ( ) Achievements: 1. Signed the Agricultural Code 2. Created MAPHILINDO to negotiate Sabah 3. Changed July 4 Independence Day to June Succeeded in strengthening the peso
Third Republic VI. President Ferdinand Marcos ( ) -”This nation will be great again.” -1. declared Martial Law 2. weakened peso against the dollar due to multiple loans 3. strengthened nepotism (assigning of relatives to govt positions) 4. Ratified 1973 Phil. Constitution changing the system from presidential to parliamentary form of govt
Fourth Republic President Ferdinand Marcos (! ) opposition boycotted the elections (Marcos vs. Retired Gen. Alejo Santos); Marcos won allegedly Ninoy was assassinated in 1983 1986 Snap election as mandated by Marcos’ signed bill -EDSA Revolution
Fifth Republic President Corazon C. Aquino ( ) Programs: Constitutional Convention ammending the Constititution 2. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program 3. privitization of govt owned companies 4. Value added tax 5. Creation of Commission on Human Rights
Fifth Republic President Fidel Ramos ( ) Defeated Miriam Santiago by 800,000 votes Programs: 1. Medium-Term Development Plan 2. deregulated trade (liberalization of foreign trade policy) 3. established the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA)
Fifth Republic President Joseph Estrada 1. Angat Pinoy Program (Erap Para sa Mahirap -aimed to develop rural areas, agricultural reform, housing for the homeless, health services and advancement of trading liberalization policies 2. Signed the Visiting Forces Agreement approving the Phils. to be a place of military exercises (in return the Phils. Is promised to receive US military aid for the modernization of the AFP and the PNP -Impeachment Trial and EDSA II
Fifth Republic President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo -first won in huge advantage as VP -broke her promise; ran for reelection and won in a minimal advantage against Fernando Poe, Jr. -ordered for the arrest of former President Estrada for plunder and perjury; resulted to EDSA III; uprising was pacified; Erap was put to jail -”Hello, Garci” intructing Mindanao Comelec Chair Virgilio Garcillano to let her win
Fifth Republic President Benigno Simeon Aquino III (2010- present) -“Matuwid na daan” His vision: 1. Battle corruption and put into trial corrupt officials (SC Justice Corona was impeached) 2. work for the unemployed 3. Devt in education 4. To end arm struggle in Mindanao 5. Sustainable development