16/1/ 03Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for CDM Phuket, Thailand SETTING THE AGENDA FOR REGIONAL WORKSHOP by Prof. Ram M. Shrestha Asian Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
16/1/ 03Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for CDM Phuket, Thailand Background of CD for CDM Project Financially supported by Dutch Government UNEP has launched the project Twelve countries have been selected to participate in the project. Cambodia, the Philippines, and Viet Nam- from Asia Implemented through a three-way collaboration UNCCEE is the overall implementing agency. Regional centers are the intermediary between the UNCCEE and the National Agencies For the Asian region, AIT is the regional center.
16/1/ 03Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for CDM Phuket, Thailand Objectives of the Project for 4 years 1.Sensitize government supports for the CDM 2.Develop capacity of policy makers 3.Establish institutional framework for the CDM projects 4.Strengthen capabilities of the public and private sectors 5.Establish a pipeline of the CDM projects
16/1/ 03Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for CDM Phuket, Thailand Identification of National focal point Drawing up of Draft National Work Plan (NWP) Refining of NWP in National Workshop Finalization of NWP in the Regional Workshop Objectives and Tasks of the Project for First year
16/1/ 03Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for CDM Phuket, Thailand Background of Regional Workshop After a series of activities to prepare NWP it is necessary to identify and take advantage of potential synergies and to establish cross-country links, so is the need of regional workshop It is a final task of objective 1 It is a closing activity of preparatory phase (First phase)
16/1/ 03Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for CDM Phuket, Thailand Objectives of the Regional Workshop The main objective is: –to assist the finalization of NWP by sharing information and experiences –learn from each others’ experiences Specifically: To establish cross-country links between the project implementation in the three Asian countries by: (a)understanding the commonalities on approaching CDM issues; (b)identifying shared needs on technical assistance and support; (c)sharing training activities, methods and materials to be developed in the project context
16/1/ 03Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for CDM Phuket, Thailand Agenda of the Regional Workshop (a) Latest developments influencing the project: COP8, Regional centres workshop in Copenhagen, project side-event in New Delhi and co-ordination with other capacity building projects such as PREGA and NSS (b) Status of the project implementation in the countries. (c) Results and conclusions of the national workshops. (d) Presentation of national work plans. (e) Identification of potential common activities and cross- cutting issues
16/1/ 03Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for CDM Phuket, Thailand Agenda of the Regional Workshop (Cont’d) (f) Discussion and identification of common requirements on training and external support. (g) Discussion and identification of guidelines and training material to be developed as part of the project. (h) Definition of UCCEE / AIT support (I) Future regional events to be undertaken under the project (J) Rough Scheduling of next national and regional workshops
16/1/ 03Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for CDM Phuket, Thailand Workshop Sessions Session 1: Introduction and Latest Development Session 2: Status of the Project Implementation Session 3 National Work Plans Session 4:National Work Plans Session 5:Common Activities/Requirements and Crosscutting Issues Session 6:Identification and Scheduling of Potential Events
16/1/ 03Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for CDM Phuket, Thailand Expected Outcomes of the Workshop Finalization of National Work Plans Identification of potential common activities and cross- cutting issues Identification of relevant guidelines and training materials Future regional events to be undertaken under the project
16/1/ 03Regional Workshop on Capacity Development for CDM Phuket, Thailand