TSG-S Project Coordination Recommendations Nick Yamasaki TSG-S Chair ABSTRACT: This document presents TSG-S recommendations for improved coordination of 3GPP2 specification development activities. RECOMMENDATIONS: Remand to all TSGs for review and comment by the next SC meeting. It is the intent of the contributors that these recommendations, as modified by TSG comments, would be considered for approval at that time. The TSGs may decide to voluntarily implement these recommendations (or modifications thereof) prior to that time. Notice: KDDI grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner's name any Organizational Partner's standards publication even though it may include all or portions of this contribution; and at the Organizational Partner's sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contribution or the resulting Organizational Partner's standards publication. KDDI is also willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non- discriminatory terms and conditions for purpose of practicing an Organizational Partner's standard which incorporates this contribution. This document has been prepared by KDDI to assist the development of specifications by 3GPP2. It is proposed to the Committee as a basis for discussion and is not to be construed as a binding proposal on KDDI. KDDI specifically reserves the right to amend or modify the material contained herein and to any intellectual property of KDDI other than provided in the copyright statement above.
9 January Contents Introduction TSG-S Performance Assessment Summary of Project Coordination Issues of Concern Project Coordination Recommendations
9 January Introduction The TSG-S recently assessed TSG-S functional operations with respect to our approved scope and charter. Our primary interest is overall efficiency and effectiveness of 3GPP2. TSG-S believes that a major area for performance improvement in 3GPP2 is the coordination of inter-TSG specification development activities in light of new challenges in this area. This contribution presents preliminary recommendations to improve coordination of 3GPP2 specification development activities.
9 January TSG-S Performance Assessment Work Item (WI) Development and Inter-TSG Coordination –The evolution activities in 3GPP2 have presented new challenges and has driven the need for improved coordination of TSG specification development activities. –This increased coordination of development activities necessitates improved visibility of specification development work across TSG boundaries. –PMT activities in individual TSGs have strong benefits in improving efficiency and effectiveness of that TSG. Moreover, the anticipation of and preparation for cross TSG impacts would benefit from targeted improvements. –The TSG-S PMT has noted some problems with misunderstandings of the cross-TSG impacts and the exchange of inter-TSG technical information during the review and approval of WIs. –Face-to-face cross-TSG participation in TSG-S PMT WI discussions have historically improved timely exchange of information.
9 January TSG-S Performance Assessment (continued) Requirements Development Activity Concerns –Multiple TSGs are involved in developing overlapping and/or duplicate Stage 1 documents. As a result: Overall coordination of requirements documents is diminished. In some cases, the developed documents suffer from loss of the ‘big picture’ – documents focus on requirements of a specific TSG instead of focusing on overall service level requirement across all TSGs (e.g., MMD Policy and MMD Roaming and their impact on the 3GPP2 Evolved Network_. Duplication of work concerns are less likely to be caught without improved coordination. Sequential (e.g., air interface IOS core network or vice-versa) development is perpetuated when overall coordination is diminished. The use of the TSG-S Document Status Table is helpful but does not achieve enough coordination of system requirements. Cross-TSG participation in TSG-S WG1 discussions has been limited in some key cases (e.g., S.R v1.0 Multimedia Priority Service (MMPS) for MMD-based Networks - Stage 1 Requirements ). –All specification development activities, especially cross-TSG activities, must be driven by requirements even when the requirements are “aggressively” specified and are not intended to be met in the near-term by Stage 2 & 3 development.
9 January Summary of Project Coordination Issues of Concern Improved coordination of specification development activities across TSG boundaries starting with WI review and approval. Improved coordination of requirements development activities Improved assurance that specifications are driven by the developed requirements
9 January Project Coordination Recommendation 1 PMT Project Coordination Sessions –Regularly scheduled for Tuesday 8-10 AM at all super-meetings to recognize and coordinate the work progress and the related issues. –Hosted by TSG-S WG3 and chaired by TSG-S PMT Chair. –Mandatory attendance by all TSG PMT Chairs or their delegates to expedite cross- TSG coordination. –Agenda Review of all new WI proposals in part to determine cross-TSG impacts and whether or not a requirements document is required. Schedule detailed WI discussions for the current week as convenient for applicable TSG representatives Schedule and determine moderator for cross-TSG WI technical discussions for current month and next month. Serve as forum for cross-TSG WI issues that can be discussed in this limited time frame. –NOTE: All TSG WIs are processed as 3GPP2 WIs even if no cross-TSG impacts are anticipated.
9 January Project Coordination Recommendation 2 Requirements Development Coordination Session –Regularly scheduled for Tuesday AM at all super-meetings. –Hosted by TSG-S WG1 and chaired by the TSG-S WG1 Chair. –Mandatory attendance by all Chairs of TSG requirements teams or their delegates and applicable subject matter experts. –Agenda Review of all new requirements document proposals to determine: –Cross-TSG impacts –Coordination and consistency with plan for requirements documents in development and existing requirements documents –Justification and approval by TSG-S WG 1 if the document needs to be developed outside TSG-S Review summary of current week detailed discussions for requirements documents in development. Schedule detailed discussions for requirements documents in development for the next super-meeting as convenient for applicable TSG representatives. NOTE: Cross-TSG evening sessions will usually be targeted for Tuesday evenings. Serve as forum for cross-TSG issues related to requirements that can be discussed in this limited time frame.
9 January Project Coordination Recommendation 3 Consistency-assurance that developed specifications are driven by the approved requirements –Cross-TSG specification development efforts can only be successful if they are consistent with the service level requirements documents that are developed to drive those development efforts. –PROBLEMS TSG-S does not have the resources or the charter for such “policing activities” Some requirements documents are intentionally developed with aggressive performance requirements that are not intended to be met on the current specification release. Requirements verification on developed specifications is both time and resource consuming. –RECOMMENDATIONS: Each TSG, and more specifically the TSG Chairs and the participating member companies, must accept and execute the responsibility of ensuring that the requirements that have been agreed are honored to the extent permitted by the developed technology, the development schedule, and possible adjustments to any changes in market conditions during the course of specification development. Each TSG is also strongly encouraged to feedback actual problems or mistakes in the requirements document to TSG-S so that the requirements document can be corrected.