ESRIF European Security Research and Innovation Forum Giancarlo Grasso, Finmeccanica ESRIF DEPUTY CHAIRMAN
2 What is ESRIF: Purpose and objectives A voluntary, informal body of 27 EU Member States, 9 FP7 Associated Countries, the Commission (JLS and Enterprise) and 3 EU Agencies (Frontex, Europol, EDA), supported by the European Parliament: ■ to develop and promote a European civil “Joint Security Research and Innovation Agenda“ for all European stakeholders (public and private) Advising national civil security research programmes and the forthcoming European FP8 Defining a mid & long term perspective Bringing together the demand and supply side of security solutions, and the civil society perspective ■ to aid the structuring process in the security domain on both demand and supply side ■ From 2007 to 2009
3 Identifying mid term threats and challenges, taking into account existing security policy decisions, strategies and plans on the European and national level Identifying long term threats and challenges mainly building on foresight and scenario techniques, linking predictions and expectations about future developments with the focal areas of the ESRIF working groups Identifying the required capabilities to enhance security within the scope of ESRIF’s considerations as well as the supporting framework to achieve them (society, market and governance related) Identifying the related research requirements taking into account ongoing and planned programmes and work Defining criteria to prioritise the research needs including. effectiveness, acceptability, cost, maturity of technologies, innovation and replacement cycles for large systems, etc. Produce a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 11 WG’s with about 500 experts ESRIF Working methodology
4 ESRIF working groups Security of the citizens, counter terrorism, organised crime Security of critical infra- structures Border security Crisis Management Foresight and scenarios CBRNE Situation awareness & the role of space Identification of people & assets Working groups along political missions & thematic areas Working groups on special challenges across the political missions Working groups concerning transversal issues Innovation, industry & technology base, and market issues Governance & coordination Human and societal dynamics of security Working groups
5 WG’s OUTLINE WG5 Foresight and scenarios long-term security perspectives, to develop and exploit a set of context scenarios, perspectives on societal risks and threats WG11 Human and societal dynamics of security Emphasis on societal security. Technology combined with organisational processes and human intervention. Solutions respectful of privacy and freedom of citizens according to their cultural identity.
6 WG’s OUTLINE WG1 Security of the citizens Threats to society brought by terrorism and organized crime Cross-cultural, cross-generational and cross-societal links for prevention, preparedness and recovery WG2 Security of critical infrastructures Transportation, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Distributed Networks exhibit risk factors and challenges that affect their protection in the mid and long term “Culture of Resilience” balancing prevention, protection, reaction and mitigation with particular emphasis on the cross-international borders infrastructures. Security by design
7 WG’s OUTLINE WG3Border Security Prevention of illicit cross border activities, while facilitating legitimate movements of persons and goods at the external borders of the European Union. New technical solution user-friendly, reliable and affordable. Interoperability as first step toward an Integrated Border Management WG4 Crisis management Return to normal life in case of major incidents Organisation and technical facilities to manage crisis in a multinational set of multiple organisations. Need of unshaken focussed leadership beside the availability of citizens to contribute to the recovery effort
8 WG’s OUTLINE WG6 CBRN Network of Centers as tools to counter the CBRN threat (proliferation of weapons of mass destruction). Close connection between the Commission CBRN Action Plan (short term issues) and a more long term R&D work ( as successively foreseen by the European Framework for Cooperation on R&T for CBRN encompassing EC,ESA,EDA) WG7 Situation awareness including the role of space Common operational picture. Information sharing in the international cooperation framework Growing importance of the space assets.
9 WG’s OUTLINE WG8 Identification of people and assets Need for faster and more accurate systems Importance of interoperability and information sharing, associated with a well- defined policy related to the access and interconnection of large-scale databases (EUROPOL). WG9 Innovation issues Innovation as a key to success for an European Security Market and for an European Security Technological & Industrial Basis Standardisation, Certification and Validation (Security Label) as a platform for a systematic interaction between supply an demand for Security. Foster the networking and clustering of the knowledge basis to enhance the security of complex systems and/or systems of systems
WG’s OUTLINE WG10 Governance and Coordination Governance of Security Research among Member States and EU through close consultation Networking of EU Agencies dealing with Security Research Cooperation between EU and International Organisations like ONU and NATO. Synergies between civil and military especially for “Out of Area” operations 10
11 ESRIA ESRIA identifies and roadmaps key capabilities and research needs in line with the main work results. The ESRIA has been organized, moving from 95 items, into five content clusters and differentiates research topics according to short-medium- or long-term needs. 1. Security cycle preventing, protecting, preparing, responding and recovering 2. Countering of different means of attack 3. Securing critical assets 4. Securing identity, access and movement of people and goods 5. Cross-cutting enablers A transparent mechanism involving all stakeholders should be set up to implement ESRIA in a balanced and rigorous manner in the forthcoming Security Research Programmes and at the most in the FP8. ESRIA should be seen as a living document
12 ESRIF recommendations for achieving stronger security research and innovation results COMMON EUROPEAN CAPABILITIES resources and incentives NEW POLICY INITIATIVES networking efforts and capabilities INTEGRATED APPROACH TO SECURITY across public and private, civil and military THE GLOBAL DIMENSION collective responsibility SECURITY RESEARCH: THE FUTURE continuous updating