1 SWEA pre-CDR Peer Review Particles and Fields Package (PFP) SWEA pre-CDR Peer Review Integration and Test 2011 March 29 Dave Mitchell.


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Presentation transcript:

1 SWEA pre-CDR Peer Review Particles and Fields Package (PFP) SWEA pre-CDR Peer Review Integration and Test 2011 March 29 Dave Mitchell

2 SWEA pre-CDR Peer Review IRAP / UCB-SSL Collaboration IRAP, Toulouse Analyzer MCP Anode HVPS SSL, Berkeley Pedestal Digital / FPGA LVPS (same as for STEREO SWEA)

3 SWEA pre-CDR Peer Review PFP I&T Flow

4 SWEA pre-CDR Peer Review SSL Integration and Test Facilities One of 5 Thermal Vac chambers at SSL Cleanroom (with 5 THEMIS probes) Magnetics Screening StationOne of 3 calibration chambers at SSL

5 SWEA pre-CDR Peer Review SWEA Verification PFP Verification Plan MAVEN_PF_SYS_023 PFP Verification Matrix MAVEN_PF_SYS_033 Maps requirements to verification tests –FRD, ERD, ICD Requirements Most SWEA Performance Requirements in the FRD verified during SWEA Instrument Calibrations ERD requirements verified during Environmental Tests

6 SWEA pre-CDR Peer Review SWEA I&T Plans at SSL SWEA Sensor delivered to SSL ~12/2012 –Will have been calibrated at IRAP –Includes verification of instrument sensitivity (PF66), flux range (PF65), energy range and resolution (PF67, PF68), angular resolution (PF70), and FOV (PF71). SWEA Integrated with SSL electronics –Interface verifications –Comprehensive Functional Test (CPT) Uses internal test pulsers outside of vacuum chamber Verify all possible modes of operation Verify all instrument commands –Chamber tests to verify no change in performance, sweeping modes, data products

7 SWEA pre-CDR Peer Review SWEA System-Level Testing End-to-end testing in vacuum chamber from front-end analyzer optics, to digital electronics, to data products Calibration utilizes a GSE that controls the instrument, and the electron source, the 3-axis manipulator, and records the data Verify analyzer, deflector, and V 0 voltage sweeping modes –Provides verification of time resolution (PF69) –Verify sufficient precision and stability for “ionosphere mode” Test energy and angular response to check that instrument response matches expectations from IRAP calibrations and simulation –Verify uniform energy/angle response –Check hemisphere concentricity –Determine relative anode/MCP sensitivity Verify data products

8 SWEA pre-CDR Peer Review In-Flight Calibration (PF107) Pre-launch: SWEA must have the right dynamic range to handle expected flux range at Mars (10 years of experience with MGS ER) –Need to know GF to a factor of ~2: pre-launch calibrations and simulations easily provide this Primary Method: LPW measures plasma frequency in the sheath to determine absolute plasma density – compare with SWEA, SWIA, STATIC Secondary Method: STATIC MCP efficiencies can be determined in flight by comparing START and STOP events – combine with well known mechanical geometric factor to determine absolute sensitivity – cross calibrate with SWEA in sheath Cross Check: STATIC cross calibrated with NGIMS by measuring periapsis RAM ions – cross calibrate with SWEA in sheath