MSD II Subsystem Integration P15044 – Intelligent Mobility Cane3/19/2015.


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Presentation transcript:

MSD II Subsystem Integration P15044 – Intelligent Mobility Cane3/19/2015

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Agenda ●Customer Feedback & Integration ●Subsystem Overview ●Subsystem Integration Overview ●Risk Management ●Project Plan & Budget ●Looking Forward- 3 week plans ●Peer Reviews & Lessons Learned 2

Customer Feedback and Integration

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Low Profile Enclosure 4

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Haptic Feedback ABVI User Testing Hard to distinguish individual vibrations Designing motor pulsing to mitigate Test rig being implemented 5

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Length of Cane Testing indicated extended length not desirable Cost Redesign time 6

Current State

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Cost Drivers 8 Overall System Cost (Old) SubsystemUnit Cost per 1Unit Cost per 1000 Electronic Components$46.51$19.12 Unmounted Electrical Components$99.65$75.25 Mechanical Structure Components$31.51$11.22 Miscellaneous Components$0.00 TOTAL$177.67$ Overall System Cost (New) SubsystemUnit Cost per 1Unit Cost per 1000 Electronic Components$46.51$21.12 Unmounted Electrical Components$99.65$75.25 Mechanical Structure Components$31.51$11.98 Miscellaneous Components$0.00 TOTAL$177.67$ Even with design changes, we meet the required cost of <$125

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Mechanical Current State 9

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Mechanical Current State 10

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Electrical Current State 11 First Revision boards assembled All electrical hardware has been debugged Second Revision boards ordered and shipped (3/18/2015)

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Software Current State All code is written. Waiting for new board revision for debug. 4/9/2015 – start debug TaskCodeDebug Utilities Write ADC Utilities100%0 % Write PWM Utilities100%0 % Write Timer Utilities100%0 % Write EEPROM Utilities100%0 % Detection Write Dropoff Detection Algorithm100%0 % Write Object Detection Algorithm100% 0 % Write Low Power Detection100% 0 % Control Setup100% 0 % Main Control Flow100% 0 % Event Handlers100% 0 % Other Ping The Ultrasonic Sensors100% 0 % Pulse Vibration Motors100% 0 %

Subsystem Validation

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Validation Matrix 14 Link to the Validation Matrix in EDGE

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane COMSOL Simulations 15

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Crosstalk Testing 16

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Mechanical Subsystem Problem Tracking 17

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Electrical Subsystem Problem Tracking 18 ID Current StatusPriority Issue Description Assigned To Owner System Affected Expected Resolution Date Impact Summary Action Steps Issue Type Date Identified Entered By Actual Resolution Date Final Resolution & Rationale 1ClosedCriticalProblems with PCB Foot printDan, JustineElectrical (Hardware) 02/06/15Budget Impact- however, has already been planned in budget Set date to order new after bug fixes have been made, so that it will not impact schedule System02/03/15Justine02/17/15Set to order new board 2/17 4ClosedMedium The connectors on the Main Board are too close to where the IR sensor will sit. Dan,Marisa, Ben Electrical (Hardware) 02/25/15assembly and function We'll need to either change where the connectors are on the board or change where the board sits in the housing System02/08/15Justine02/25/15Transfered to Mechanical Team 8ClosedLowABVI concern for size of enclosureAndrew, Marissa Mechanical Electrical 03/08/15Customer SatisfactionCross talk testing (sat), imlempent design changes System02/12/15Justine03/12/15Cross Talk Test proved low profile model would work, design changes are being implememted. 13ClosedMediumWiring harness doesnt fit above processing board (see #4) Andrew, BenElectrical (Hardware) 03/03/15AssemblyMove board back in enlosure.System02/12/15Andrew02/26/15Moved board back.11", harness clears obstruction. See Rev D of IMC ClosedHighAnalog Readout of Ultra Sonic Sensors likes to jump around and will give correct values about half the time. Either is a timing issue or a cap is needed on the output. Ben, MarisaElectrical (Hardware) 03/19/15FunctionAdd filter to output of the sensors, play with timing of when to read the analog value. If all else fails an average could be used to cut down on the error. System03/10/15Ben03/11/15Arduino Digital Pin was not going LOW, causing crosstalk between sensors which caused the random weird readdings. Once timing and pinging was done correctly, there were very little speratic readings. 22ClosedCriticalThere is no Debug Port on the Processing Board DanElectrical (Hardware) 03/11/15Assembly and FunctionMove Inputs around to make room for JTAG Port Informat ional 03/07/15Dan03/08/15Fixed in Schematic and BRD file. Re- ordered Boards 23ClosedHighSoldering directly to the battery is hard, potentially unsafe, all around bad? Dan, Ben, Andrew Mechanical Electrical Function (Robustness)Investigate BAttery Tabs, and other mounting options System03/03/15Dan03/14/15New Battery Mount Board

Going Forward

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Problems in Progress 20 ID Current StatusPriority Issue Description Assigned To Owner System Affected Expected Resolution Date Impact Summary Action Steps Issue Type Date Identified Entered By Actual Resolution Date 21Work In Progress CriticalPower switch too small. Toggling power very difficult. Ben, DanElectrical (Hardware) 03/19/15 Function Test out different press fit caps to elogate the power switch. Look for substitute swithces/buttons that can fit in the handle. System03/11/15Ben 7Work In Progress HighHard to distinguish between vibrations on cane handle Allan, Dan, Marisa Mechanical Electrical 04/02/15Function of Handle Met with Vibration Expert (Dr. Ghoneim), purchased low stiffness rubber on Tuesday, 2/24/15, Experiment with pulsing motors, Informati onal 02/12/15Justine 11Work In Progress MediumPCB slots don't fit boards (power and processing) Andrew, Allan Mechanical03/12/15AssemblyMake wider slots. Glue may be required on final assembly. Test sections and matrix have been designed, to be printed 3/5 System02/12/15Andrew 15Work In Progress MediumStress concentration at corner of motor cutouts in handle makes handle prone to breaking under load Andrew, Allan Mechanical03/12/15Function (robustness/ durability) Add radius to corner. If that is insufficient, increase wall thickness. Ran simulation, discuss factor of safety with Andrew System02/19/15 Allan 19Work In Progress LowDrawing Tolerance too tight on flanges that mate Handle Sections together Allan, Andrew Mechanical03/12/15FunctionOpen Slots or Narrow tabsSystem03/15/12Allan

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Risk Management 21 RISKLIKLIHOODSEVERITYTOTAL IMPACTMITIGATION PLAN MITIGATION DATE Overall lack of team "work" time339 Implement three 4 hour sessions for weekends in April, in order to cover anything we need to get done by the end of the semester- ex documentation, posters, paper, etc.. Set for 4/5, 4/12 and 4/19.4/5/2015 Not enough time to debug Software326 Allocate remaining tasks that were previously on programmer to other team members so that debugging can be number one priority for Dan4/5/2015 Shock causes electrical components to shift or fail236Complete shock test4/4/2015 Too many false positives on our sensors236Change positioning of sensors4/4/2015 Sensor Beam angles too large326Testing in same configuration, use directing cones4/4/2015 Unforeseen loading/ shock causes failure224More robust shock and load tests, computer simulations4/4/2015 The processor is too slow122Bump up frequency of processor extra 4 kHz3/14/2015 Redesign of the battery section with tabs makes the cane uncomfortable for user111Accept

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane 3 Week Plans 22

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane ImagineRIT Obstacle Course 23 Featured Obstacles: 5 ft Overhang 5 ft Wall 6 in Step(s) 6 in Ramp/Drop Off

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Project Plan 24

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Planned vs Actual Budget 25 We are on track to be under our budget of $1000.

RIT MSD P15044 –Intelligent Mobility Cane Lessons Learned Check test equipment before performing test Be as critical as necessary during Peer Reviews 26