Annual Title I Meeting WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2015
What is Title I? Title I is a federally funded program designed to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic standards and state academic assessments. The Title I program focuses on the academic needs of the most disadvantaged students.
What is the aim of Title I in Fulton County Schools? Title I schools receive federal money to provide additional resources to… Support student instruction Improve teaching strategies Increase family engagement
Title I… Title 1 plan – T1 schools are required to engage in assessing school needs and develop a plan that complies with the state dept. and federal guidelines. Title 1 ensures that ALL students have a fair, equal and significant opportunity for a high-quality education and that EVERY staff member is committed to meeting the needs of EVERY child. Hamilton E. Holmes’s Title 1 budget was a total of $324,324. . We purchased 1 additional teacher which helps us to lower class sizes, a Parent Liaison position, allocated funding for professional development for teachers, increased Extended Learning staff and purchased additional resources for students in the area of technology, math, and reading. Title 1 Parent Involvement plan – Revised annually, parents are invited to come out and review and make edits. Title 1 requires all schools to notify parents of any Non-Highly Qualified staff, performance of the overall instructional program and assessments.
Entrance Criteria for Focus Schools The school must be a Title I school The school must not meet the definition of a Priority school The school must have three years of data Calculation: 1.3-year average of Achievement Gap scores 2.Rank schools by 3-year average of Achievement Gap scores 3.Select lowest 10% Schools identified as Focus Schools in 2012 which do not meet the exit criteria will be re- identified as Focus Schools.
Broad Overview of Requirements for Focus and Priority Schools and Districts SchoolDistrict Memorandum of Agreement Non-Negotiable Standards (see handout) Flexible Learning Program Develop, Support and Monitor the Flexible Learning Program Formal strategies and interventions to address areas of need (CCRPI) Formal strategies and interventions to support identified schools School Strategic PlanDistrict Strategic Plan Short-Term Action Plans Quality Comprehensive Improvement System (Indistar) – September 30 th Short-Term Action Plans Quality Comprehensive Improvement System (Indistar) – September 30 th Title I, Part A, 1003(a) Grant directly aligned to data and the school strategic plan Support and monitor implementation of the Title I, Part A, 1003(a) Grant Cross Functional Monitoring GSAPS (Priority) & Instructional Review (Focus) District Level Review (Tentative)
Achievement Gap Focus Schools Focus Schools are identified as Title I schools having the lowest Achievement Gap performance in the state based on gap size and gap change.
Focus School Exit Criteria Focus Schools will exit Focus status when they: 1.No longer meet the definition of a Focus School and 2.Demonstrate a 2.5 point increase in the 3-year average of Achievement Gap scores year average will serve as the baseline Schools that were identified as Focus schools in spring 2012 may exit Focus status if they no longer meet the definition of a Focus school and have increased their Achievement Gap points by 2.5 points or exceed the state level 3-year average of Achievement Gap Points.
Georgia Standards of Excellence– Reading, English/Language Arts, and Math Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) – Science/S. Studies Curriculum
Assessments used to measure student academic progress: Common Assessments STAR Reading & Math BAS: Fountas & Pinnell Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) Write Score Georgia Milestones Assessment (EOG) Assessments
MORE OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEARNING!! Extended Learning …. District Funding Focus: Reading October-April Grades 1 st -5 th 2 Times Per Week Flexible Learning… Focus: Math October-April 3 Weeks in June Grades 2 Times Per Week
Joining PTA - $5.00 membership fee per family member Volunteering in your child’s school/classroom Reviewing the School Compact and Calendar Signing the student Agenda daily and reviewing homework Conferencing regularly with your child’s teacher Ensuring that your child is present, on time and ready for instruction each day, Instruction begins at 7:40 am Participate in our free Breakfast program, breakfast ends at 7:35 am Participate in our school wide uniform initiative Parent Involvement! You can help by: