LIFE13 ENV/IT/000470 ECODEFATTING Environmentally friendly natural products instead of chemical products in the degreasing phase of the tanning cycle Start:


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Presentation transcript:

LIFE13 ENV/IT/ ECODEFATTING Environmentally friendly natural products instead of chemical products in the degreasing phase of the tanning cycle Start: 01/10/2014 End: 30/09/ /10/ month meeting S.Croce sull’Arno (Pisa) - Italy NEWPORT Premises

AGENDA 09:30 [NEWPORT and UNIFI] Welcome and opening of the meeting 09:40 [All] Actions carried out by each partner and scheduled activities from February 2015 until the end of September :15Coffee break 11:30ECODEFATTING Technical future issues:  [UNIFI] Technical activities scheduled in the next six months of the project  [All] Open discussion on actions to be carried out in the next six months of the project LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

AGENDA 12:00[UNIFI] Management and dissemination issues, in particular:  [UNIFI] Dissemination activities carried out from February 2015 until the end of September 2015  [UNIFI] Project amendment  [UNIFI] Administrative issues 13:30Tour of Newport tannery 13:00Lunch LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

Commercial products Defatting products Scale-up Whole leather dyeing tests Leather products Effluent treatments Defatting comparative studies Synthetic procedures Defatting tests Architecture A.2, 3-15, Unifi A.1, 0-6, Inescop C.1, 0-12, Inescop, Unifi A.2, 3-15 Sub-contractor B.1, 3-15, Inescop B.2, 6-18, Inescop (pilot studies) B , Inescop (pre-industrial level) B.4, 18-24, Inescop C.2, 3-9 ; C.3, 6-18 ; C.4, 9-21 Iccom, Unifi Product quality C.6, 15-24, Inescop Data modelling C.5, Inescop, Unifi, Iccom Project assessment C.7, 18-24, Unifi, Iccom LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

Emulsifiers from lactose Lactose in milk g  l -1 serum Low cost raw material Harmful substance for the environment _ Eco-friendly products _ Higher defatting efficiency _ Biodegradable effluents _ Reduction of process environmental impact ECODEFATTING LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

Coordination EUROPEAN COMMISION LIFE External team ICCOM-CNR (ITALY) INESCOP (Spain) Chemical Expert Spanish Tanneries UNIFI (Italy) coordinator Chemical Expert Monitor NEWPORT (TALY) Italian Tannery LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

PURITY Lactose derived emulsifiers are chemical additive free species REACH (CE) No. 1907/2006 Full compliance PURIFICATION and RECYCLE Purification and reuse of defatting effluents are complementary to the concept of defatting LACTOSE A waste sugar for high value products LACTOSE The goal of the Ecodefatting project is the improvement of the defatting process of hides, to reduce its environmental impact. ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING


Technical Actions carried out by each partner in the last six months   A1: commercial products in leather defatting (M1-M6)   A2: demonstration of natural products (M3-M15)   B1: natural products in the defatting phase at laboratory level (M3- M15)   B2: defatting at a semi-industrial level by using natural products (M6- M18)   B3: natural products defatting at a pre-industrial level (M6-M21)   C1: environmental impact of commercial products (M1-M12)   C2: environmental monitoring of defatting with natural products at laboratory level (M3-M9)   C3: environmental monitoring of defatting with natural products at semi-industrial level (M6-M18)   C4: environmental monitoring of defatting with natural products at pre- industrial level (M9-M21) LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING


Dissemination actions D1 Website creation D2 Notice boards D3 Innovative technology for leather industrial degreasing manual D4 Leather sample book of hides degreased with the innovative glicerol diacetato composition D5 Training course for Italian tanneries D6 Training course for Spanish tanneries D7 Demonstration workshop in Italy D8 Demonstration workshop in Spain LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

Dissemination actions D9 Diffusion material preparation D10 Articles and press releases D11 International conferences and fairs D12 Digital supports for international diffusion D13 Networking D14 Layman's report D15 After-LIFE Communication Plan LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

Dissemination actions carried out by each partner in the last six months D1 Project website D9 Diffusion material preparation D10 Articles and press releases D11 International conferences and fairs D12 Digital supports for international diffusion D13 Networking LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING


D1 Project website ECODEFATTING website in English, in Italian and Spanish: In the website:  Visit counter  Link to LIFE+  Link to each beneficiary website  Results update  News update  Coming up  Reserved area  Link with the Facebook page for event booking/registration Website visitors: 6,605 Facebook page LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

D9 Diffusion material preparation 5,000 ECODEFATTING brochures 1,000 ECODEFATTING pendrives as project gadget 1 ECODEFATTING tissue poster 2 INESCOP posters 1 English project presentation 1 Italian project presentation 1 Spanish project presentation LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

D10 Articles and press releases UNIFI has submitted 1 article for Researchmedia INESCOP has produced 1 article in INESCOP’s Environment Newsletter No. 174, November 2014 INESCOP has produced 1 article in INESCOP’s News, No. 275, May 2015 INESCOP has produced 1 article in Revista del Cuero. Colombia. Enero-Marzo 2014 INESCOP’s Environment Newsletter, No. 181, June 2015 LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

D11 International conferences and fairs Co-Shoes Fair, October 2014, Alicante (Spain) Co-Shoes Fair, Alicante (Spain), 22nd -23rd April 2015 “TOSCANA & AMBIENTE La sfida europea dei progetti LIFE” UNIFI LIFE event at Firenze on 24 th October 2014 LIFE+ Networking Event,19 November 2014, Ibi -Alicante (Spain) Meeting of the Leonardo mobility Vetpro project “The Adaptation of European Union, Footwear Education, Design and Product Systems being examined to Turkey Footwear Industry”, INESCOP, Elda- Alicante (Spain), 21st October 2014 Conference titled “Best Avalaible Technologies in the Tanning Industry”, Lorca – Murcia (Spain), 14th May 2015 All the ECODEFATTING beneficiaries are responsible for the organisation of specific communication activities in order to disseminate the project actions and results to Institutions and policy makers: 1. Senator of the Italian Government – Italy in the UNIFI LIFE event at Firenze on 24th October 2014 LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

D12 Digital supports for international diffusion Each beneficiary started to think about the specific video of each beneficiary activity UNIFI started to have some contacts with some expert video companies in order to organise the general structure of the video UNIFI started to think on the video text LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

D13 Networking Cluster with OXATAN, SHOELAW, ECOFATTING, PODEBA, MICROTAN, SHOEBAT, CO2SHOE, BIONAD, TAN (LIFE projects) Networking contacts at the UNIFI LIFE event at Firenze on 24 th October 2014 LIFE+ Networking Event,19 November 2014, Ibi -Alicante (Spain) Meeting of the Leonardo mobility Vetpro project “The Adaptation of European Union, Footwear Education, Design and Product Systems being examined to Turkey Footwear Industry”(number TR1- LEO ), INESCOP, Elda-Alicante (Spain), 21st October 2014 LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

 ACTION E.1: Project management  ACTION E.2: Monitoring  UNIFI has continuous contact with all project partners for monitoring project activities  UNIFI prepares and sends a summary of the project activities carried out to monitoring team at the end of each month  UNIFI receives from each beneficiary technical inputs for the monitor month summary  Definition of management structures  Definition of payment procedures of each beneficiary  UNIFI organised the kick-off meeting in October 2014 in UNIFI premises  UNIFI defined the Partnership Agreement (following the EC scheme) and collected all the beneficiaries signatures LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

 ACTION E.1: Project management  ACTION E.2: Monitoring  UNIFI uses project progress indicators for monitoring project activities  UNIFI will revise the project progress indicators in each of the projects coordination meeting in order to check any irregularities  UNIFI will check the number and type of people reached by each dissemination activity in order to check if the diffusion actions have met their goals LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

 ACTION E.1: Project management  Definition of management structures  Management and technical committe UNIFI: Roberto Bianchini ICCOMCNR: Emilia Bramanti INESCOP: Mercedes Roig Newport: Maurizio Sabatini  Administrative committe UNIFI: Silvia Borselli ICCOMCNR : Manuela Cempini INESCOP: Julio Gutierrez Newport: Maurizio Sabatini and Paola Nacci LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

 ACTION E.1: Project management  Definition of payment procedures of each beneficiary  Each beneficiary has a specific payment responsible UNIFI: Roberto Bianchini selects the project cost formally approved by department director or UNIFI council ICCOMCNR: Emilia Bramanti selects the project cost formally approved by department director INESCOP: Mercedes Roig selects the project cost formally approved by company director and administration department Newport: Maurizio Sabatini as company manager selects and decides LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

 ACTION E.1: Project management  Definition of project accounting system and cost center All beneficiaries have defined the following internal specific code (codice commessa) which identify the project and all costs and income related to the project:  UNIFI: CUP B92I  ICCOMCNR: CUP B92I  INESCOP:  NEWPORT: ECODEF For UNIFI and ICCOMCNR VAT is a cost. LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

 ACTION E.1: Project management  Definition of project accounting system and cost center All beneficiaries respects the procedure of the best value for money for selecting all the project external and consumable costs:  UNIFI and ICCOMCNR: public tender through MEPA  INESCOP and NEWPORT: historical supplier or market analysis All the beneficiaries approved only the costs:  directly linked to, and necessary for, carrying out the ECODEFATTING project;  reasonable, justified and comply with the principles of sound financial management, in particular in terms of economy and efficiency;  compliant with applicable tax and social legislation; and  actually incurred during the lifetime of the project, as defined in the grant agreement, and which could be identifiable and verifiable LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

ECODEFATTING Technical future issues for the next six months  A2: lab synthesis and scale-up of defatting products (M3- M15)  B1: lab level defatting tests with project products (M3- M15)  B2: Semi-industrial level (M6-M18)  B3: Pre-industrial level (M6-M21)  C3: monitoring at semi-industrial level (M6-M18)  C4: monitoring at pre-industrial level (M9-M21)  C5: environmental benefits from the natural fatting process (M12-M24)  C6: quality assessment of leather production process (M12-M24) LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

ECODEFATTING Technical future issues for the next six months [All] Open discussion on actions to be carried out in the next six months of the project LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

ECODEFATTING Dissemination issues balance  D1 Project website: update  D5-D6 Training courses for Italian and Spanish tanneries: Start to define days  D7-D8 Demonstration workshops in Italy and Spain: Start to define days  D9 Diffusion material preparation: more posters (foreseen 25 Posters, 10,000 leaflets/brochures/factsheets, 2,500 various branded items, now 5,000 brochures, 3 posters, 1,000 gadgets, 3 presentations)  D10 Articles and press release: more articles (foreseen 30 articles, now 5 articles)  D11 International conferences and fairs: OK, more meetings with policy makers (foreseen 6 events, now 6 events and 1 policy maker)  D12 Digital supports for international diffusion: start (foreseen project video)  D13 Networking: OK OK (foreseen 10 projects, now 10) LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES  Evaluation of Inception Report  New EC administrative forms (Timesheet and Financial statement)  Amendment  Progress Report  Next Deliverables  Partner costs September 2015  Next meeting LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

Evaluation of Inception Report VERY POSITIVE EVALUATION!!!! Two small comments: 1. Please note that the duration set for your Partnership Agreement is not compliant with the LIFE template (Rev.2014). The beneficiaries' commitment to the project is in effect foreseen to end once they receive the payment of the final balance, while it should end five years after the project end date. Please provide with your Progress Report an Addendum to your Agreement, duly dated and signed, that extends its duration accordingly. 2. Please also be advised that, according to Article 12.1 of the Common Provisions, the due date of your Final Report should be set three months after the project end date. It is therefore postponed to 31 December 2016 instead of 30 September 2016, as foreseen in your Grant Agreement. LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

New EC Administartive documents From September 2015:  New Timesheet  New excel Financial statement (summary of cost justification) UNIFI is sending the new forms to all the beneficiaries administrative responsibles LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

Amendment  Unformally we have received the OK: we are waiting soon for the formal communication LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING PARTNER AS FOR ORIGINAL BUDGET PersonnelTravel External assistanceConsumablesOverheadsTOTAL EC CONTRIBUTI ON UNIFI NEWPORT ICCOMCNR INESCOP TOTAL AS FOR AMENDMENT PersonnelTravel External assistanceConsumablesOverheadsTOTAL EC CONTRIBUTI ON UNIFI NEWPORT ICCOMCNR INESCOP TOTAL

PROGRESS REPORT The Progress Report deadline is 31 December 2015 UNIFI will be responsible of the production of the Progress report which will be made up by:   Progress report with the summary of technical, administrative and dissemination project issues   Dissemination Annex   Deliverables   Possible Technical Annexes   No administrative documents All the beneficiaries have to send the technical contribution to UNIFI LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

PROGRESS REPORT Deadline   UNIFI will send to each partner a form and request for technical and dissemination contribution for the Progress Report no later than 10 th of November   Each partner has to send to UNIFI all the technical contribution no later than 30th of November 2015 (except some December activities)   Each partner has to send to UNIFI all the dissemination contribution no later than 30th of November 2015 (except some December activities)   Each partner responsible for a Deliverable has to send to UNIFI the Deliverable no later than 10th of December 2015   UNIFI will send a draft of the Progress Report to the Monitoring team no later than 10th of December 2015   UNIFI will send to EC and Monitoring agency all the Inception Report documents no later than 18th of December 2015 LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

NEXT DELIVERABLES All the following Deliverables will be annexes of the Progress Report :   Report on natural products for the ECODEFATTING innovative defatting process: Action A.2   Report on laboratory defatting phase with natural products: Action B.1   Report on negative impact of traditional defatting agents use: Action C.1   Report on environmental monitoring of laboratory defatting phase with natural products: Action C.2 LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING

PARTNER COSTS SEPTEMBER 2015 LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING PARTNER AS FOR ORIGINAL BUDGET Personnel Personnel September 15Travel Travel Septembe r 15 External assistanc e External assistance September 15 Consuma bles Consumabl es September 15 Other cost September 2015 Overhea ds Overheads September 15TOTAL TOTAL September 15 UNIFI , , ,90 821, , ,29 NEWPORT , , , ,54 ICCOMCN R , , , , , ,11 INESCOP , , , , , ,88 TOTAL , , , ,96 821, , ,81 AS FOR AMENDM ENT Personnel Personnel September 15Travel Travel Septembe r 15 External assistanc e External assistance September 15 Consuma bles Consumabl es September 15 Other cost September 2015 Overhea ds Overheads September 15TOTAL TOTAL September 15 UNIFI , , ,90 821, , ,29 NEWPORT , , , ,54 ICCOMCN R , , , , , ,11 INESCOP , , , , , ,88 TOTAL , , , ,96 821, , ,81

MEETINGS   1st Kick off meeting in UNIFI premises in Florence in Italy in October 2014   2nd Coordination 6 month and monitoring meeting in ICCOMCNR premises in Pisa (Italy) on March 25th 2015   3rd Coordination 12 month meeting in Newport premises in Italy on October 2015 Next Project meeting   4th Coordination 18 month meeting in Inescop premises in Spain on March-April 2016 LIFE13 ENV/IT/470 ECODEFATTING