Blood and Lymph Blood plasma cells Platelets Lymphatic system
Blood Often labelled a tissue because: –Many cells working together to perform a task White and red blood cells, plasma and platelets The body contains 4-6 liters of blood 55% of volume is plasma! –45% is cells
Blood Plasma Clear, pale yellow mainly composed of water –Also contains: blood proteins inorganic electrolytes. Overall, 90% water –10% dissolved gases, salts, nutrients, enzymes, proteins, hormones and waste products (phew)
Blood Cells Red Blood Cells (AKA erythrocytes) –Transport oxygen Disc shaped –Lots of surface area –Squeeze through capillaries Contain hemoglobin –No nucleus –5,000,000 in 1ml
Blood Cells(continued) White blood cells (AKA leukocytes) –Attack intruders –#s increase with infection in body –Several varieties –Contain nuclei –1 WBC to 700 RBCs –Most live only a few days –Produced in white bone marrow
Varieties of blood cells (FYI only)
Blood Types Uses of blood typing –Properties of blood help with: Paternity suits Forensic science Health problems
More on Erythrocytes Contain antigens –Which determine your blood type 4 types –A, B, AB and O –Kinda like gang colors –Each blood type is also + or – Example blood types: –Mr Taylor is B+ –Mr McKechnie is O- –Can also be AB+, AB-, A+, A-, B- and O+
Blood type gang “weapons” Gangs and their weapons –A’s have anti B gats AKA: B antibodies –B’s have anti A gats AKA: A antibodies –AB’s have no gats AKA: no antibodies –O’s have anti everybody gats AKA: A+B antibodies Each blood type is also Rh+ or Rh- positive or negative –Same system as blood types
The Blood Type hoods… –Neighbourhoods (can receive blood from:) –A hoods welcome A’s and O’s –B’s welcome in B and O –AB’s welcome all –O’s don’t welcome anyone –Allowed into neighbourhoods (Donor for:) –A’s allowed into A and AB hoods –B’s into B and AB hoods –AB’s into AB only –O’s into all Copy diagram
Transfusions… Antibodies present in the recipient must not match the antigens (blood type) of the donor. –Clumping will occur. Antibodies attach to matching antigens Click on top picture and scroll down to the “Blood typing” section and show the agglutination animation on the left. Click on picture at right and the “Blood typing” game.
Platelets and Blood Clotting Plasma proteins and cell fragments Platelets clot –They stick to damaged blood vessels –they release clotting factors (coagulate blood) Calcium and vitamin K aid in creating thrombin Thrombin is an enzyme that converts fibrinogen into sticky mass of fibrin (AKA a scab)
Lymphatic System Network of vessels that: 1.removes extra fluid and returns it to the Circ. Sys. 2.absorbs fats and fat soluble vitamins from intestines 3.Produces Immune cells WBC’s and antibodies
Lymphatic system (cont) Lymph –The fluid of the lymphatic system –Contains: lots of fat, fluid, proteins, immune cells and wastes Lymph nodes –Filters lymph –Location of WBC production