Team Members Amanda Fernandez-Rodicio Loren Hendrickson Kim Mueller Fall 2014
1 st Semester Freshman. Exploratory Engineering. A lot hands on experience and it allowed for a new way of thinking when it comes to problem solving. Gives me a better idea on what I consider in majoring in. Find a engineering major I love, get involved in more projects and groups in UF and get great internships!
I’d like to graduate with the least amount of stress. Try to find an internship or job that allows me travel the world. Don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know something, most of us don’t know either. Get involved!
Freshman Exploratory Engineering I have gained an greater knowledge of how to use computer programming software, as well as robotic hardware like circuits and sensors It has shown me an example of how real-world engineering projects work. I will become more involved with similar projects at UF.
I want to work in the automotive industry as some type of engineer. Make sure that you pick your robot wisely. Life of Loren Cont.
First Semester Freshman. I was split between CE and ME before this semester and now am leaning towards ME. I have learned how to combine sensor readings into robotic commands and how to create a ‘checklist’ for the robot. I want to get involved with Subjugator at some point in my collegiate career. I don’t quite know what I want to do post college.
I love tinkering with things and making machines more efficient. Our robot worked five times in a row before our first trial run and then had a mind of its own. Kim’s Kareer Cont..
“Here we have the mentally challenged Jameis Winston. He has just left publix with his crab legs for dinner. He is now walking through the parking lot searching for a car to hot wire, but he doesn't quite remember how all that 'stuff' works. Now he is running to his girlfriends house. But she doesn't want to see him either. Then he makes his way to his lawyers office where he has his own bedroom. Now safe and sound in his bed, he snuggles in to eat his crab legs with his tutor doing all of his elementary math homework and spelling worksheets"
Choose your robot wisely before you enter the maze