China Today: Its Connection with the Past II Dr. Jing G. Xi Faculty of International Communications, CTGU
Focuses on China: Why? Impact of its economy to the world; Needs China for the solutions of many international conflicts, such as: regional confrontation, trade friction, environment, etc. China History: in 100 years of continuity since 1910.[Kissinger ’ s On China]
Different ways of looking at Chinese Chinese does not know, as socialized individuality, their responsibility and accountability to his/her country and society; China is one of few countries where people have no beliefs; The politics Chinese talking are nothing but cheating and betrayal; (Source: RAND Corporation ??)
Cont. Most Chinese have never learnt what is dignified life; Chinese national value is based on the selfishness; Chinese persuade of life is rooted on the interest of satisfactory for food and sex as the animals; Failure of Chinese education style is becoming the standing joke of the world. (Source: RAND Corporation ??)
How to make your judgment ??
Stereotype? Ethnocentrism? Prejudice?
Three factors impacts Chinese National Core Value Confucianism; [hierarchical society] Taoism; [harmony life with the nature] Buddhism. [high uncertainty avoidance]
And plus … … 5000 years of authoritarian history; 100 years of defeating experience by western countries including Sino- Japanese War (1938 – 1946); Communist application with Chinese characteristics ( 1949 – 1978); Free marketing (economic reforms) since 1978.
Chinese Characteristics Face Guanxi (personnel networks) … … Smith. Arthur: 1905 Chinese Characteristics
Understanding China Historically, Dialectically, and Culturally
End of Lecture II