Simple locally based network for everyone – who wants that? TeleBalt Conference Vilnius Oct Ilpo Koskikallio Glocal Ltd.
Three (gradually fading) hypes of present IT technology Web -hype Mobile enthusiasm Cry for broad band connections as a self-evident solution to solve the “networking for everyone” question
Background Wide area (4500km 2 ) with few inhabitants (20.000) High unemployment rate (over 25%) Rapidly declining population (~1.8%/year) Threat of apathy Combined with Good telecommunication infrastructure. Sitra (the Finnish Foundation of Research and Development) gave us an opportunity
Basic assumptions is a basic application in the local sphere of our “virtual civil society” –(Web browser – global sphere) Local virtuality => non-anonymity Global virtuality => anonymity Easy to use and administer system Usable with all kind of connection speeds (and types) Stable, safe and high usability
Solution Local intranet system (based on FirstClass® software) System of “layman trainers” Dense network of free of charge intranet/internet kiosks
Results More that 1/3 of population are registered users (aged 10-75) About 5000 users (total population about 19000) ~2000 different users per day (over 3000/week and ~4000 logins/day) Local communication is an essential part of communication (75/25) Increased self-confidence of formerly unemployed persons Possibility for democratic participation Increased toleration
Simple solutions are considered dangerous User-friendliness and easy-to-use solutions are OK as long as we are talking about end- user perspective Simplicity in system administration is another thing – that will endanger the status quo –The resistance of the local “experts” –“Too easy” applications are automatically considered (by the “experts”) as not suitable for “serious work”
The curse of the technological determinism The vicious circle of upgrades. Nerds create new releases for other nerds. But what do the great majority (so called ”ordinary users”) needs/wants?
Lessons If we want to create ”everyman´s” Information Society (other than games, porn and gambling via Internet) and narrow off the “digital gap”: –Return to the simple solutions –Concentrate on local level (from local to global) –Learning is more important than bandwith –Great majority of users are technologically conservative –We need “mid-tech” people as mediators between high tech people and ordinary people