. Theme: Infections during pregnancy, sorts and in the postnatal period (specific and nonspecific infections). The screening program
Structure of educational employment 1 Introduction 2 Theoretical part 3 Practical part - curation patients - Algorithm of practical skills 4 Analytical part - A situational problem - Analysis of tests
Chronological card of employment №.№.№.№. Employment stagesEmployment forms Duration in minutes of 290 mines 1 Parenthesis of the teacher (theme substantiation) Homework discussion, and also check of initial knowledge of students (control questions) Poll, explanation. The appendix Inspection of the patient in a reception or in a day hospital. Survey of the patient Improvement of practical skills, work with models, the kliniko- labware, equipment. Work with the kliniko-labware. 20
5. Discussion of a practical part of employment. Interactive game «the Weak link» Poll, explanation. The appendix Discussion of a theme of employment, the abstract message, seminar, discussion. Interactive game of “finder" The abstract message, seminar, discussion. The appendix 2 The abstract message, seminar, discussion. The appendix Work in group. Demonstration of video of cartridges on a theme, analysis of situational problems, computer programs, business games etc. Demonstration, interactive forms-active, passive. The appendix 3,4 50
The purpose of educational employment: To give base knowledge of the infections having negative influence on pregnancy and their possible negative influences on mother and a fruit
The student should know: The physiological changes occurring in an organism of the pregnant woman Criteria of out-patient supervision of pregnant women Bases of reproductive health and principles of planning of a family Influence of infections on a current of pregnancy and their influence on a fruit Tactics of conducting pregnant women with an infection
The student should be able: To diagnose pregnancy To define complex tactics of conducting pregnancy in the presence of an infection To carry clinical investigation of pregnant women with use of laboratory and tool methods of research To interpret results of laboratory and tool methods of research To make the plan of conducting pregnant women with infections To organise supervision of women in out-patient-polyclinic and house conditions to make out a card of pregnant women.
Intersubject and intrasubject communications: Intersubject and intrasubject communications: Knowledge is necessary for development of the given theme on anatomy, for physiology, histology, biochemistry, microbiology, and also base knowledge on the obstetrics, got on 4 course, кожвенероологии, to pharmacology and clinical pharmacology. Considering set of factors leading TIOGT, demands close interrelation with the subjects set forth above.
Control questions: Control questions: Whether there is an effective method of treatment of a syphilis? Whether isolation of mother from associates or from its child in the presence of a gonorrhoea, CMV infections is obligatory? Whether there is an authentic and inexpensive method of diagnostics chlamidy infections? Whether there is an effective method of treatment bacterial vaginosis? Whether there is an effective strategy of preventive maintenance/decrease of harmful influence of the Streptococcus of group In on pregnancy or transfers to the newborn? Whether it is accessible? List the infections influencing a current of pregnancy Order the infections which are not influencing a current of pregnancy and the newborn What methods of diagnostics use for verification of a specific infection? At what infections joint stay of mother and the child is counter-indicative? Whether isolation of mother from associates or from its child is obligatory at RUBELLA?
The literature: The order № 425 MH RUz Murray W. Enkin et al, A guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth, 3-rd ed, 2000 James Chin. An official report of American Public Health Association. Control of Communicable Disease Manual. 17 th Edition WHO Euro. Essential Antenatal, Perinatal and Postpartum Care. Сopenhagen, 2002 Sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2002;51 (RR-6):1-78 Screening for Gonorrhea: Recommendation Statement: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Fam Med. 2005;3(3):263-2 WHO. Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum and Newborn Care: A guide for essential practice. Geneva, Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Management of genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection. A national clinical guideline. Edinburgh (Scotland): Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN); 2000 Mar. 26 p. (SIGN publication; no. 42). Antenatal care: routine care for the healthy pregnant woman. Clinical Guideline. National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health. RCOG Press, October 2003 M Riduan Joesoef and George Schmid. Bacterial Vaginosis. Clin Evid 2005;13:1–3.