THE NEXT TEN YEARS FOR APRAG AND ARBITRATION IN THE REGION Towards the Future of Arbitration In Asia-Pacific Region Nguyen Manh Dzung, MCIArb Managing Partner of Dzungsrt & Associates LLC. Member of Research Council of VIAC Member of IBA’s Working Group on Harmonizing Arbitration Laws in the Asia Pacific Region Melbourne – 28 th March 2014
I. MOTIVATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARBITRATION Development of Arbitration Regional Economic Growth
II. F OUR PILLARS FOR DEVELOPMENTS UNCITRAL Model Law-based national legislation Enhanced Judicial Support for Arbitration Growing Legal Professions and Arbitrators Arbitral Institutions: Engines for developments
III. A RBITRATION F ORECAST : S OME PROSPECTIVE TRENDS OF DEVELOPMENTS Greater influence from international/regional arbitral organizations. More important role for developing countries. Continuing growth of investment treaty arbitration.
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