The Ingredients of a Mystery Story A gripping and creditable plot – the reader believes what is happening.
Structure First paragraph introduces setting (time and place), key characters and theme Rest of first half generally builds up the background to main incident, develops characters and relationships, sets up the theme Second half – deals with one main incident in detail – all made plausible by the careful construction and vivid detail/clues given in first half. Final paragraph usually an explicit conclusion with a definite ending.
Characterisation Only a couple of main characters – vivid and sharp. More concentration on thoughts and feelings. Physical description used if important to story or to emphasise theme or atmosphere. Minor characters kept to a minimum, sometimes not even named.
Setting and Atmosphere Small number of locations, limited time span (longer periods usually only involved with flashbacks) Language and description crafted to enhance mood, tone, atmosphere
Suspense Anxiety created for the reader Contains tension – reader unsure of what is going to happen
Twists, Turns and Clues Story keeps you guessing Contains clues suggesting possible solutions Some clues (red herrings) throw reader off the scent