Lesson34: Modern Olympics 普集街中学 李荣利. the five rings the Olympic motto.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson34: Modern Olympics 普集街中学 李荣利

the five rings the Olympic motto

the Olympic slogan the Olympic mascot

symbols of peace

1. Which mascot do you like best? 2. What do you think is the same in every Olympics?

Words: continent torch peace slogan reflect mascot feature fairly Expressions: stand for stay the same

写出下列单词和词组: 1.for example 2.stand for 3.a symbol of peace 4.touch one’s heart 5. 它自己的吉祥物 6. 保持不变 7 。一个具有民族特色的动 8 。公平的比赛 例如 代表 一个和平的标志 触动某人的心灵 It’s own mascot Stay the same an animal with national feature Compete fairly

Look at the items below. Are they the same or different un every Olympics? Read the lesson and write “S” for “same” or ”D” for “different”. 1.The Olympic slogan ( ) 2.The Olympic torch ( ) 3.The Olympic mascot ( ) 4.The Olympic symbol ( ) 5.The Olympic motto ( ) 6.The Olympic song ( ) D S D D S S

Listening: 1. What do five rings stand for? 2.Is the Olympic symbol always the same? 3.Is the Olympic slogan different in every Olympics? Yes,it is The five rings stand for the five continents united together.The blue ring stands for Europe,the red ring for America,the yellow ring for Asia,the green ring for Australia and the black ring for Africa. Yes,it is

1.no matter which/when/where/who… =whichever/whenever/wherever/whoever “ 无论哪一个 / 什么时间 / 在哪里 / 谁 ……”, 引导让步状语从句。

翻译 1 : Whatever happened, he would not say a word. 无论发生什么,他的都不会说 一句。 No matter what happened, he would not say a word. 翻译 2 : No matter where you go, I will follow you.=Wherever you go, I will follow you. 无论你去哪,我都跟随你。

stand for 代表;象征;意味着(抽象) represent 代表;(实体) What does UFO stand for? UFO 代表什么意思? He represents his class. The five rings stand for the five continents united together. 五环代表 五大洲紧密联接在一起 2.

3. stay the same 保持相同 翻译:我知道事物将改变,但是你不会变. I know things will change but you stay the same. You can change or stay the same. There were no rules to this thing. 你可以改变或维持现状, 世事原本就没有一定的规则。

Underline the comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs. 1. Danny says that supper is more important than a world record. 2. Mine flew farther than Jenny’s airplane, but Brian’s flew the farthest. 3. My friend Sandra won the record for the largest book.

4. The ancient Greeks wanted to have the best athletes compete against each other. 5. Fewer countries take part in the Winter Olympics than in the Summer Olympics.

1.Of all the subjects,chemistry seems to be of me. A.difficult B.too difficult C. more difficult D.the most difficult 2.Linda sings in her class. A. good B.better C. best D.the better 3.Li hua’s shoes are as as Zhang Hui’s A.cheap B.cheaper C.the cheaper D. the cheapest D C A

4.Of the two coats,she’d like to choose the one to save money for a book. A.cheapest B.cheaper C.more expensive D.most expensive 5.The actress is already 50, but she looks than she really is. A.young B.more young C.more younger D.much younger 6.Do you think math is than English? A. difficult B.as difficult C.more difficult D.most difficult B D C

Summary: Words and phrases. Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs. Works in group : Let’s do it.(part4) Dig in.

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