Porous Sidewalks B
Background Info. Hudson River Estuary Provides drinking water for 100,000 people and recreation for millions Nonpoint Source Pollution > Discharge From Factories (DEC) In lb of Lead v.s. 182,320 lb of Lead Metals such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, PCB’s, and oil are very malignant Porous Interlocking Concrete v.s. Porous Concrete (139 in/hr v.s. 240 in/hr)
The Problem... ●The Problem: The Hudson River is heavily polluted from years of neglect. There are things such as heavy metals that have been contaminating the river since the industrial days of the Hudson Valley. ●Contamination can come from sewage overflow and runoff releasing harmful pathogens into the water. Pathogens from overflow causes about 3.5 million people to get sick annually according to the EPA. ●The Troy sidewalks are bad and need of replacement providing an opportunity to solve two problems at once. Red indicates percent of water tests showing quality problems
The Solution... We believe implementing Porous Concrete can alleviate some of the pollution issues and help fix the crumbling sidewalks in the city of Troy. ●Porous concrete filters and eliminates 98% of metals, about 85% of nitrogen, phosphorus and suspended solids, and about 30% of Nitrate. ●Porous concrete allows excess water to flow through it alleviating the amount of water going into the sewage system causing overflows. ●The concrete also allows for water and oxygen to reach plant roots in the ground.
Where? River St Downtown Troy. Total Distance: 4,070 ft. Adjacent to Riverfront Park Fairly Close to the Hudson River About 16,280 Sq ft. Roughly cost about $32,560 v.s. $15,000 Longevity: 20 to 30 years in yearly maintenance cost
Stakeholders and their Perspectives -Downtown Businesses and Restaurants, the renovation of the sidewalks encourages seating outdoors. -Troy Citizens, the new sidewalks will improve the quality of the streets and Hudson River. -City Government, would be responsible for paying and hiring someone for installation -Concrete Companies, would receive pay for installing the new sidewalks -Local Media, the media can cover the addition of porous sidewalks to increase awareness of this material and how it benefits the environment -Local Schools, can use the addition of the sidewalks to educate the kids about the environment.
Resources There are two main resources required when it comes to building a sidewalk, money and someone to actually build it. The money will have to come from tax dollars, we expect total costs to be somewhere around $32,560. As for companies, there are several places that the city can turn to that will effectively build a sidewalk using the porous material. Examples of these companies include: -Bonded Concrete, located out of Watervliet, NY. -Cranesville Concrete, located out of Albany, NY. -Grandview Block and Supply, located out of Schenectady, NY.
What barriers may arise? Funding for the project. Bidding for the project Getting the city planner on board River street is considered a Historic District Zoning restrictions Soil Survey Department of Environmental Conservation: 136 million 15 year plan to cut sewage spills With the current state of the Hudson this project is a necessity. Work around zoning restrictions
Examples ●Portland, Oregon paved about 1,000 feet of street surface with permeable, high strength, concrete blocks. ●Test strip in Berlin, Mass. to see how pervious concrete stood up to New England’s harsh freeze-thaw weather. It was successful. ●City of Olympia has installed sidewalks and also advocates for the use of the material.
Positive Outcomes that may come from this Project ●Remaining sidewalks in Troy also replaced by porous concrete ●Noticeable Difference in pollution in River around Troy such as a 98% reduction in metals and 85% reduction of suspended solids in water entering the river ●Other communities around the Hudson also install porous concrete resulting in improvements in the entire river ●Increase in foot traffic in the areas with improved sidewalks
Citations ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Water- Resources/PorousConcreteSidewalks_BuildSidewalks_NotStormwaterPonds.pdf%3Fla%3Den+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=cln k&gl=ushttp://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:PL1t87nSZ2UJ:olympiawa.gov/~/media/Files/PublicWorks/ Water- Resources/PorousConcreteSidewalks_BuildSidewalks_NotStormwaterPonds.pdf%3Fla%3Den+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=cln k&gl=us