characters Miss. Mush : She is the school’s cook. Her special is “Mushroom Surprise”. It’s has strange effects. Louis: He is the “yard teacher”. He loves sport. He loves every student. Mrs.Jewls : She is the 30 th story (classroom) teacher. All stories are about her class.
The author. The author is Louis Sachar. He was once playground supervisor (like Louis). All students are named after the students he met at this time.
PAGES There is 152 pages There is 30 chapters There is at lest 2 pages per chapter
About the book There are 30 little stories. It is really funny and silly.
You will like this book It is funny and silly. It has little chapters.
A little hint You might need a dictionary next to you: there are lot of unknown words: Hempleton Magaconia Tetherball Attaché case Mugworm Griblick
Problem There are a different problem in every chapter.
Favorite Ch 30 is my favorite. I like Ch 2,too. And also 19.
Ch 2: Mark Miller Benjamin Nushmutt is a new student. The teacher thinks he is Mark Miller. Ben won’t tell her during the all book because he thinks that Mark is better than him. Mark is lost in Ch 19.
Ch 19 There is 3 ch 19! Problem: Alison disappears in the classroom 19. The classroom is invisible. Students are trapped inside. Allison can’t get out. She refuses working and Does crazy things. At the end, the teacher kicks her out.
Ch 30 Mrs. Jewls has a cow bell and she rings every time The kids are noisy. This time, it attracts cows in the school. The kids think there is a tornado, some lightings and too much wind. The kids and teacher, down in the playground scream “Stop ringing your cow bell!” The chapter is called “Wayside school is falling down”. And it is also the title of the book.
THE END !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE