V EUROSAI-ARABOSAI Joint Conference December 7-9, 2015, Doha, Qatar Accounting Chamber of Ukraine “Role of SAIs in monitoring the implementation of bailout plans” Mr. Roman Maguta Chairman of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine
Accounting Chamber of Ukraine − independent Supreme Body of External Financial Control, operates on behalf of the Parliament The powers of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine are fixed in the Constitution of Ukraine The powers of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine are fixed in the Constitution of Ukraine The new Law of Ukraine “On the Accounting Chamber” has been adopted on July 2, 2015 The new Law of Ukraine “On the Accounting Chamber” has been adopted on July 2,
Main anti-crisis actions following the G-20 London Summit (April, 1-2, 2009): Increase of the IMF resources to help most crisis-hit countries Fight against “tax havens” Regulation of bonus payments to management companies and banks National packages of tactical measures Tighter control over financial markets Ensuring sustainability of national economies 3
Anti-crisis actions in Ukraine since 2014 In 2014 the Parliament of Ukraine in order to overcome social and economic crisis: approved the Government Action Program adopted the Law of Ukraine “On prevention of financial catastrophe and creation of prerequisites for economic growth in Ukraine” 4
Activities of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine aimed at implementation of bailout plans 5 Main priorities: monitoring the situation in order to prevent crisis manifestations control over Governmental Stabilization Fund expenditures analysis of state programs implementation
Activities of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine aimed at implementation of anti-crisis actions since Changes in planning and activity management of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine subsequent to the anti-crisis actions taken by the Parliament of Ukraine New priorities in control over budget expenditures: National defense Public safety Judicial branch Finance and banking Energy security Transport infrastructure Reserve fund of the Government
Control over energy security expenditures Control over energy security expenditures Energy Strategy of Ukraine optimization of energy consumption transition from natural gas to renewable energy resources state budget transfers to regions for implementation of measures for energy conservation and energy efficiency 7
Control actions in energy sector Control actions in energy sector Implementation of the State program on revision of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine Implementation of the State program on revision of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine Implementation of the program on development of main power lines Implementation of the program on development of main power lines 8 optimization of funding and work on terms ensuring completeness of electricity supply by Ukrainian nuclear power plants modernization of the electricity distribution system in regions of the country
Control measures of activities of the largest public companies in Ukraine (under the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and Ukraine for Macro-Financial Assistance to Ukraine of up to EUR 1,8 billion) Some audits of the largest public companies: Administration of seaports of Ukraine UkrHydroEnergy Southwestern Railways 9
New Law of Ukraine “On the Accounting Chamber” (adopted by the Parliament of Ukraine on July 2, 2015) Guarantees: transparency and publicity in activities transparency and publicity in activities independence (including financial) independence (including financial) objectivity of results objectivity of results legitimacy legitimacy 10
Thank you for attention! Accounting Chamber of Ukraine Chair of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes