Lets Get Real: Risk and Protective Factors Among Steuben County Girls Steuben County Risk and Protective Factor Survey 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Lets Get Real: Risk and Protective Factors Among Steuben County Girls Steuben County Risk and Protective Factor Survey 2008

Prepared by: Evalumetrics Research

Student Survey  Based on Hawkins and Catalano (CTC)  Measures Risk Factors Predict greater prevalence of problems  Measures Protective Factors Predict lower prevalence of problems  Measures Prevalence of substance use

Domains  Individual/Peer  Community  Family  School

RISK AND PROTECTIVE FACTOR SURVEY  Perceptions of norms  Attitudes  Behavior  Peer Behavior  Demographics  Prevalence

Student Survey  Local (Modified) version includes YRBS items Depression Self-injury Impaired driving Other

Scales 22 Risk scales 11 Protective scales Consist of one or more item Standardized (z score) based on 2000 sample of approximately 20,000 students in five county (29 school districts) Finger Lakes region. Standardized risk scale score >1=“risk.” Standardized protective scale score<-1=“risk.”


Risk and Protective Factors

Steuben County Middle School StudentsSteuben Percentage of Students at Risk1County Risk and Protective Factor Survey2008BoysGirls Factor Community Disorganization (R2-C)19.0%17.2%20.9% Impulsiveness (R16-PI)20.0%20.5%19.5% Fam History of Antisocial Behavior (R9-F)21.0%23.4%18.5% Rewards for Prosocial Behavior (P2-C)17.6%16.8%18.4% Low Neighborhood Attachment(R1-C)16.7%15.4%18.1% Personal Transitions/Mobility (R3-C)17.9%17.7%18.1% Sensation Seeking (R22-PI)22.7%27.2%17.9% Family Conflict (R8-F)12.9%10.8%15.1% Opportunities for Prosocial Involvement (P4-F)12.8%11.2%14.5% Attachment (P3-F)12.7%11.3%14.2% Rebelliousness (R14-PI)13.5%13.4%13.6%

Steuben County High School StudentsSteuben Percentage of Students at Risk1County Risk and Protective Factor Survey2008BoysGirls Factor Sensation Seeking (R22-PI)25.7%19.1%32.1% Favorable Attitudes Toward Antisocial Beh (R18-PI)15.3%8.1%22.3% Personal Transitions/Mobility (R3-C)21.3%22.0%20.6% Low Neighborhood Attachment(R1-C)20.0%22.0%18.1% Fam History of Antisocial Behavior (R9-F)18.2%18.9%17.5% Rewards for Prosocial Behavior (P2-C)16.3%15.1%17.5% Community Disorganization (R2-C)20.6%24.6%16.7% Rebelliousness (R14-PI)13.7%11.3%16.0% Opportunities for Prosocial Involvement (P1-C)11.3%6.9%15.6% Lack of Supervision and Rules (R6-F)15.2%15.0%15.4% Impulsiveness (R16-PI)17.8%20.5%15.2%

Risk of Teen Pregnancy

Steuben County Middle School StudentsSteuben Percentage of Students at RiskCounty Risk and Protective Factor SurveyGirls Factor642 Fam History of Antisocial Behavior (R9-F)18.5% Family Conflict (R8-F)15.1% Lack of Supervision and Rules (R6-F)9.5% Favorable Attitudes Toward Antisocial Beh (R18-PI)8.9% Poor Discipline (R7-F)8.6% Little Commitment to School (R13-S)3.6% Friend Use Drugs (R21-PI)2.2% Interaction With Antisocial Peers (R20-PI)1.7%

Steuben County High School StudentsSteuben Percentage of Students at Risk1County Risk and Protective Factor SurveyGirls Factor480 Favorable Attitudes Toward Antisocial Beh (R18-PI)22.3% Fam History of Antisocial Behavior (R9-F)17.5% Lack of Supervision and Rules (R6-F)15.4% Poor Discipline (R7-F)13.3% Family Conflict (R8-F)9.8% Little Commitment to School (R13-S)7.3% Interaction With Antisocial Peers (R20-PI)5.8% Antisocial Behavior (R17-PI)5.6%

Overall Risk

Middle School Students by Number of Factors at the At-Risk Level Steuben Steuben CountyCountyBoysGirls N= No Factors At-Risk16.5%16.0%17.0% One24.3%23.7%24.9% Two18.1%16.7%19.6% Three10.8%11.7%9.8% Four8.0%8.5%7.5% Five or More22.3%23.3%21.2%

High School Students by Number of Factors at the At-Risk Level Steuben Steuben CountyCountyBoysGirls N= No Factors At-Risk13.6%19.5%7.4% One29.0%16.1% Two17.8%12.8% Three10.5%8.9% Four9.1%7.0% Five or More20.0%35.6%47.7%

Prevalence of Substance Use

Table 3 Steuben County Risk and Protective Factor SurveySteuben Co. Reported Substance UseMiddle School TotalBoysGirls Alcohol Use (except as part of religion) N= Ever Used29.0%31.2%26.8% Used in Past 12 Months22.6%23.6%21.5% Used in Past 30 Days10.3%11.0%9.5% >5 Drinks at Least Once in Past 30 Days4.3%5.5%3.1%

Steuben County Risk and Protective Factor SurveySteuben Co. Reported Substance UseMiddle School TotalBoysGirls Cigarette Use Ever Used21.0%21.3%20.7% Used in Past 12 Months15.0%15.4%14.5% Used in Past 30 Days7.0%7.6%6.4%

Steuben County Risk and Protective Factor SurveySteuben Co. Reported Substance UseMiddle School TotalBoysGirls Marijuana Use Ever Used8.8%10.6%7.0% Used in Past 12 Months7.8%8.8%6.7% Used in Past 30 Days4.2%4.6%3.9%

Steuben CountySteuben Co. Risk and Protective Factor SurveyMiddle School Reported Substance UseTotalBoysGirls Other Drug Use Used ANY in Past 30 days1.9%2.5%1.2% LSD/Psychedelic0.2%0.3%0.0% Cocaine0.2%0.5%0.0% Crack0.5%1.1%0.0% Steroids0.2%0.5%0.0% Heroin0.3%0.6%0.0% Other Narcotic0.2%0.5%0.0% Ecstasy0.2%0.5%0.0% Uppers/Amphetamines0.2% Cough.Cold Medicines0.9% 0.8% Vicodin0.5%0.8%0.2% Oxycontin0.4%0.6%0.2% Other Prescription0.4%0.5%0.3% Other2.0%3.6%0.3%

Steuben County Risk and Protective Factor SurveySteubenSteuben Co. Reported Substance UseCountyHgh SchoolHigh School BoysGirls Alcohol Use (except as part of religion) N= Ever Used61.5%60.8%62.3% Used in Past 12 Months53.0%52.5%53.6% Used in Past 30 Days32.1%31.8%32.3% >5 Drinks at Least Once in Past 30 Days30.2%42.9%17.6%

Steuben County Risk and Protective Factor SurveySteubenSteuben Co. Reported Substance UseCountyHgh SchoolHigh School BoysGirls Cigarette Use Ever Used41.5%41.2%41.9% Used in Past 12 Months30.1%30.3%29.9% Used in Past 30 Days18.3%19.6%16.9%

Steuben County Risk and Protective Factor SurveySteubenSteuben Co. Reported Substance UseCountyHgh SchoolHigh School BoysGirls Marijuana Use Ever Used29.7%33.3%26.0% Used in Past 12 Months25.8%30.1%21.5% Used in Past 30 Days15.1%18.1%12.1%

Steuben CountySteubenSteuben Co. Risk and Protective Factor SurveyCountyHgh SchoolHigh School Reported Substance UseHigh SchoolBoysGirls Other Drug Use Used ANY in Past 30 days5.3%7.0%3.7% LSD/Psychedelic1.0%2.0%0.0% Cocaine1.0%2.0%0.0% Crack0.5%1.1%0.0% Steroids0.4%0.9%0.0% Heroin0.5%0.7%0.4% Other Narcotic0.7%1.1%0.2% Ecstasy1.0%1.7%0.2% Uppers/Amphetamines0.9%1.7%0.0% Cough.Cold Medicines2.6%3.7%1.5% Vicodin2.9%4.6%1.3% Oxycontin1.6%2.4%0.9% Other Prescription1.7%2.6%0.9% Other2.2%3.5%0.9%

Other Health Risk Behaviors

Steuben Middle School Girls In the past 12 monthsNOnoyesYES Felt Depressed19.0%24.8%24.6%24.3% YesNo Made plan for suicide13.4%86.6% NoneOnce>once Attempted suicide94.0%2.2%3.8% YesNo Attempt resulted in injury4.0%96.0%

Steuben Middle School GirlsYesNo Injured self by cutting/burn17.8%82.2%

Steuben Middle School Girls In past 30 daysNoneOnce>once Drove after drinking98.3%0.2%1.5% Rode w/drinking driver83.5%6.7%9.8%

Steuben Middle School Girls In past 30 daysNoneOnce>once Did you bully someone73.3%9.2%17.5% Were you bullied65.0%7.6%27.4%

Steuben High School Girls In the past 12 monthsNOnoyesYES Felt Depressed19.7%26.7%29.5%21.0% YesNo Made plan for suicide15.0%85.0% NoneOnce>once Attempted suicide93.3%3.0%3.7% YesNo Attempt resulted in injury4.1%95.9%

Steuben High School GirlsYesNo Injured self by cutting/burn19.5%80.5%

Steuben High School Girls In past 30 daysNoneOnce>once Drove after drinking96.1%1.7%2.2% Rode w/drinking driver71.4%6.5%22.1%

Steuben High School Girls In past 30 daysNoneOnce>once Did you bully someone77.8%8.2%14.0% Were you bullied81.2%5.9%12.9%
