MY LIFE IS IN YOUR HANDS Emerging from the darkness of self-harm
Think of all the harm we do to ourselves, to our bodies and minds Drugs Smoking Alcohol Self-Harm Promiscuous sex Pornography Partying Fighting Suicide
You might ask, what’s the worst that could happen to me? It’s just some fun! For starters, passed out in public, you could be: Abducted Raped Robbed Abandoned Mocked Plus, your “friends” will likely draw on your face and post the pictures all over Instagram to make you look foolish
SOME PEOPLE DON’T CARE But some people can’t stop…they’ve become addicted
Life is rough…we sometimes need a break, to get some relief from strife Abuse Stress Academic pressure Family pressure Friendship issues Body image Self esteem Depression Boredom
Look at these two Do you think they started out ever thinking they’d end up like this? How did a little fun or release get so out of control? Can you say with confidence you would never end up like this? How can we help our peers so they don’t end up like this? What can we do as friends to support each other? “Faces of Meth”
We feel obliged to live up to extreme standards a lot of the time, resulting in Depression and anxiety A distorted body image A search for validation through random sexual hook- ups A desire to self-harm An attempt to use drugs as a means of self-improvement A temptation to “drop out” of life via drugs and alcohol At the most extreme, suicide
Wait…drugs as self-improvement? Unfortunately, most schools have a kid who is “the connection,” the one who can get you some Adderall so you can stay up and study for your APUSH exam or the SAT exam, or so you can lose weight so that you look like your favorite celebrity and then everyone will like you. If there weren’t a demand, these drug dealers would be out of business. Sadly, business is booming.
We get all turned upside down by the media and technology, too In the middle of school friends sports student council volunteering work family pets partying essays SATs APs Instagram Tumblr Twitter Netflix Game of Thrones Walking Dead Lego Movie House of Cards Skyrim Halo shopping driving texting music Dodger games Chipotle and so on… Where are YOU?
When do you discover YOU?
What are you doing?
When do you pray?
When are you silent?
When will you see yourself as God sees you?
Do you believe you deserve to be cherished, just for being you?
We MUST research the stats on drug abuse, the physical effects of drugs, the dangers of cutting, the tragedy of suicide…that’s all academic, but it’s also real. After all, knowledge is power, and knowing these things can protect you from a terrible fate or an early death. But there’s more, something deeper than that. Look…
The struggle with belief is real …especially when you’re down on yourself or when you question the value of your life. But those questions are part of the process of uncovering truth and drawing strength from that truth. Part of this, too, is allowing yourself to accept that you deserve better, and that God cherishes you more than you can ever know.
What will you do as a community to rescue each other from self-harm and self-destruction?
How can you help each other to see God’s plan for your life?
When will you allow a friend to rescue you?