Good Morning Grade 4’s SES Mrs. Stoddart
What is a landscape? An outdoor scene What is a cityscape? A city scene What is a horizon line? Where the sky meets the ground
Silhouette Noun: The dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background, especially in dim light. -Retrieved from Wikipedia; May 2011
Inspiration… Silhouettes
Medium = Tempera Paint & Pastl
The Plan Session 1… The Background Tempera Paint Session 2…Landscape or Cityscape Silhouette only in Black Pastel
Colour Wheel Warm Colour Scheme (think of a bonfire) Cool Colour Scheme (think of water and ice) Analagous Colour Scheme (think of colour wheel neighbours)
Sketch some ideas/plans… Choose a subject (let’s brainstorm!) Everything but the sky will be solid black (silhouette) Horizon line (keep it low on the page!) Outlines and shapes to create the scene