Sabinet: SA ePublications Compiled by Helene van der Sandt
What is SA ePublications?
Sabinet’s SA ePublications service is the most comprehensive, searchable collection of full-text academic articles from South African and African journals It consists of the following collections: Business and finance Law Medicine and health Religion Social sciences and humanities Science, technology and agriculture
What is SA ePublications? The SA ePublications service is a rich source of information right at your fingertips: more than 300 titles more than full-text articles searchable (with various search functionalities) exclusively South African and African content The collection offers: contents pages and full text articles an alerting service for new issues added
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Where do I find SA ePublications?
Library website On the Library page, click Databases on Web
Scroll down to Sabinet
Scroll to Sabinet Online Click on: on-campus under SA ePublications’ description
Search Techniques
Identify keywords Discuss the effect of global warming on the climate. Decide on the main concepts (keywords) of your topic Avoid words that are vague or have multiple meanings, e.g. effect Connect more than one keyword with AND Keywords in the above example: Global warming AND climate Global warming is a phrase and indicated as such by ticking: Remember one concept (keyword or phrase) per search box
Synonyms and Alternative terms for keywords are indicated by OR Use to broaden your search Also think of: Synonyms Alternative spellings Abbreviations / Acronyms Broader or narrower meanings of your original keywords climate OR weather
Truncation of keywords Truncation uses a symbol to represent all possible endings of a keyword. SA ePublications uses * When you type politi* (stem + truncation symbol) you will retrieve all documents with the following words: politics, politicians, politician, political, politically BE CAREFUL not to truncate a keyword too soon, otherwise you will receive many unwanted results. For example: if you truncated the above example at polit* in stead of politi*, you would also receive search results on polite, politesse, polity, etc. In our assignment example, you can use climat* to find articles with the following words, climate and climatology (study of climates)
Search Strategy Sabinet Onlineand or not Tick Exact phrase box * 1. SABINET SEARCH TECHNIQUES CHART SEARCH STRING ACCORDING TO ABOVE CHART 2. APPLY SEARCH TECHNIQUES TO KEYWORDS “global warming” AND (weather OR climat*) 3. ENTERING SEARCH STRING INTO SEARCH BOXES INFORMATION RESOURCE BOOLEAN OPERATORS PHRASETRUNCATION Sabinet OnlineAND OR NOT Tick Exact phrase box if available, otherwise use “ “ e.g. “South Africa” *
SA ePublications Home Page You can add: African Journal Archive to your search in SA ePublications The African Journal Archive is a retrospective digitisation project of full- text journal articles published in Africa, in the Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, providing access to a multi-disciplinary, multi-country digital archive of Africa’s research and cultural heritage contained in its journal literature. You can add: The Index to South African periodicals (ISAP) to your search in SA ePublications ISAP is a subject index of articles in periodicals published in South Africa. On- line entries date back to The database contains indexed articles from more than 680 South African periodicals.
Home Page You can also refine your search, e.g. by date You can also do other types of searches Keyword Search
Keywords Search
Search Results Keywords are highlighted Click on this icon to download full tex document You can also filter/refine the search results by using these filters. Scroll down to see all the filters.
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Other types of searches: Abstract
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