11/8-11/12MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Reading/word work 8:30-10:00 Copies: Pg. 59 Spelling Pg. 63 Pg. 67 Pgs. 64 & 65 Wrote in our Journals : “what did you enjoy about your weekend?” Finished ?’s for Frindle Chap. 5, and Read Chap. 6 together. Wrote a story together and discussed what a sentence and good story should have. Journals: What is your idea of the perfect vacation? Read aloud Frindle and summarize as a class. Picture walk through “The Keeping Quilt” Discuss various traditions “Celebrating Traditons” worksheets Spelling: get new words, practice and write in sentences Journals: What would be your version of the perfect buried treasure? Read Aloud & sum. Finish “The Keeping Quilt” “Piece it together” worksheet as a class Spelling Vowel sheet Make spelling flash cards and practice Journals: What is your favorite time of day and why? Read Aloud & Sum. Listen to “The Keeping Quilt” Review story quickly Read “Foxtails” and do worksheet as a class. Spelling Practice/ Game Spelling Test OFF Writing 11:00-11:50 Copies: DOL’s Lead Sheets 5 W’s DOL independently and as a class Talking about planning a story with the 5 W’s. Planning our own stories Making up 3 different possible leads for our stories DOL independently and as a class Choosing the best lead Writing our stories (Rough Draft) DOL independently and as a class Mini lesson: Using more interesting vocabulary./Leads Editing/writing- spelling, details, periods and capitals Begin publishing DOL independently and as a class Mini lesson: What does a final draft look like? Editing and publishing our stories Sharing our stories OFF
11/15-11/19MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Reading/word work 8:30-10:00 Copies: Pg. 83 Pg. 81 Pg. 87 Character Sketch Pgs. 84 &85 Journals : What did you do this weekend? Read aloud Frindle and summarize as a class. Cross-Text Reading assessment Spelling Flash Cards Sight words: Angie and Aliscia Journals: If you were going to a desert island what 3 things and 2 people would you take with you? Read aloud Frindle and summarize as a class. TFK Reader and Sum. Spelling Practice and define words Sight words: Angie and Aliscia Journals: Describe your morning using your 5 senses. Read Aloud & sum. Review Assessment TFK Reader: groups read-8-10 facts, title, names and 2 pictures Spelling Practice and write sentences Sight words: Jaime & Junior Journals: If you had a pie, whose face would you love to smash it into as a fun prank? Read Aloud & Sum. TFK Reader: Posters Spelling Practice: Cards and Shaving Cream (BAD IDEA) Sight Words: Heather, & Brianna Journals: What are you planning on doing this weekend? Read Aloud & Sum. Spelling Practice Jeopardy Sight Words: Junior Writing 11:00-11:50 Copies: DOL’s Lead Sheets 5 W’s DOL independently and as a class Writing Diner: Onomatopoeia, Dialogue, One Word LEADS Continue writing/ editing/ publishing DOL independently and as a class Writing Diner: Big Potato Lead Prompt begin DOL independently and as a class Writing Diner: Question Lead Prompt DOL independently and as a class Writing Diner: Reviewing leads Prompt DOL independently and as a class Writing Diner: Using your senses Prompt
11/22-11/26MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Reading/word work 8:30-10:00 Copies: Text features study guide Reader’s theater Read Aloud The Lightning Thief Go over text features Watch “A Bad Case of Stripes” Talk about Reading with expression Read “The Wizard, the Fairy, and the Magic Chicken” Spelling practice Spelling test Sight Words: Cassie Read Aloud The Lightning Thief Find text features and get sheet Practice “Turk and Runt: A Thanksgiving Comedy” Perform with props Sight Words: Cassie OFF THANKSGIVING OFF Writing 11:00-11:50 Copies: DOL’s DOL independently and as a class Work on Assessment specific grammar and practice Writing with it. Projects DOL independently and as a class Writing Thanksgiving letters Brianna and Aliscia finish their poster OFF THANKSGIVING OFF
11/29-12/3MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Reading/word work 8:30-10:00 Copies: Possessives sheets (2-3) Subject-Verb Agreement (2-3) Journals: The Lightning Thief Match and sheets for text features Grammar: Possessives Rivet Read “Playmate” Activity: questions at the end of the story Spelling: Flashcards and practice Journals: The Lightning Thief Text Features Assessment Grammar: Possessives “Playmate” activity: Answer the “Thinking more about the story” questions Spelling: Sentences Journals: The Lightning Thief Grammar: Subject- verb agreement Read “How Now Purple Cow” Activity: questions at the end of the story Spelling: ABC Order Journals: The Lightning Thief Grammar: Subject- verb agreement “Thinking more about the Story” questions Spelling: Match to Definitions Journals: The Lightning Thief Grammar: Subject- verb agreement Compare the 2 stories Spelling: Jeopardy/Test Writing 11:00-11:50 Copies: DOL independently and as a class Dialogue Lead Write DOL independently and as a class Big Potato Lead Write DOL independently and as a class Question Lead Write DOL independently and as a class Review Leads Write DOL independently and as a class Poems- Acrostic
11/8-11/12MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Writing 1:30-2:00 Copies: Alien Story Title Page Planning sheet Planned out a class alien story We wrote the lead and beginning on the board. We discussed where the story could go next. Each student will get a copy of our planning sheet. They will fill in the gaps to make the story their own. Beginning adding to our beginning in their own story book. Work on writing our stories Editing- Capitals, Periods, spelling and details. Illustrate our stories and read them to each other Vote on the best story OFF Reading 2:15-3:05 Copies: Finish 1 st page of packet Read story Summarize story Discuss implications of the story Work on the reading packet Listen to the story Work on the reading packet OFF
11/15-11/19MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Writing 1:30-2:00 Copies: Capitals (2) End Marks Commas in a list (2) Grammar Intro: Capitals Capitals worksheet Writing: Idea sheet Grammar Intro: Practice more Capitals (correct the sentences) Writing: Write about something that happened to you this weekend. Grammar Intro: End Marks End Marks Worksheet Writing: edit for Capitals Grammar Intro: Commas in a list End Marks Writing: edit for end marks Grammar Intro: Practice End Marks Writing: Illustrate and Share Reading 2:15-3:05 Copies: Finish 1 st page of packet Read story Summarize story Discuss implications of the story Work on the reading packet Listen to the story Work on the reading packet
11/22-11/26MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Writing 1:30-2:00 Copies: Commas in a list (2) Sheets to practice leads Grammar Intro: Commas in a list Writing about Thanksgiving Writing with Onomatopoeia Grammar Intro: Commas in a list practice Writing about Thanksgiving Writing with one word leads OFF THANKSGIVING OFF Reading 2:15-3:05 Copies: Finish 1 st page of packet Read story Summarize story Discuss implications of the story Work on the reading packet Listen to the story OFF THANKSGIVING OFF
11/29-12/3MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Writing 1:30-2:00 Copies: Commas list (1) Commas conjunction ( 3) Commas states/cities (1) Dialogue lead Big Potato Lead Question Lead Grammar Intro: Commas in a list Writing: One word LEADS Write Grammar Intro: Commas with a conjunction Writing: Dialogue Lead Write Grammar Intro: Commas with a conjunction Writing: Big Potato Lead Write Grammar Intro: Commas with a conjunction Writing: Question Lead Write Grammar Intro: in states and cities Writing: Review leads Write Reading 2:15-3:05 Copies: Finish 1 st page of packet Read story Summarize story Discuss implications of the story Work on the reading packet Listen to the story Work on the reading packet