CNA 2 OSBN Curriculum
Greatest Risk Burnout Professions/Roles Attract Most Dedicated Often Care Giver Positions Care Givers Forget Themsleves Benefits of Self Care ◦ Less Compassion Fatigue ◦ Less Burnout ◦ Better Staff Retention ◦ Enhanced Communication
Focus on State of Physical Body Regular Exercise Maintain Proper Nutrition Avoid Risky Behaviors
Focus ◦ Engaging Your Mind Daily ◦ Challenging It Daily Activities Allowing ◦ Analysis ◦ Creativity ◦ Contemplation Treat Like Physical Wellness
Be Aware & Accept Your ◦ Emotions & Feelings Beyond ‘Happiness’ ◦ Believe in Yourself Growth/Maturity Through: ◦ Happiness ◦ Anger/Sadness ◦ Determination/Frustration ◦ Many More
The Big Picture of Life Acceptance/Appreciation of Unknown Seeking the Purpose of Life Not a Religion State of Questioning the Universe ◦ Desire to Understand ◦ Define Universal Values
Contributing to One’s Human/Physical Environment for Common Welfare Promoting Healthy Living Environment Encouraging Effective Communication Living in Harmony w/Human Beings Working for Mutual Respect/Cooperation
One’s Relationship to Their Surroundings that Affect Human’s Wellness Living in Harmony w/Earth ◦ Become Aware of Interactions w/Nature/Environment
Stress: Body’s Rxn to Change ◦ Physical/Mental/Emotional Adjustment or Response Demands & Perception Warning Signs ◦ Irritability ◦ Feeling Overwhelmed ◦ Tension in Muscles ◦ HA ◦ Sleep Problems ◦ Forgetfulness May Feel from Time to Time while Caring MOST IMPORTANT: Care for Self
Learn to ID YOUR Warning Signs Act to Make Changes Don’t Wait until You are Overwhelmed
TAKE YOUR BREAKS Eat/Stay Hydrated Notify of Overwhelmedness Ask for Help prn ID Own Emotional Responses Activates to Rejuvenate ◦ Staying Hydrated ◦ Stretching at Intervals ◦ Deep Breath t/o Shift ◦ “Mini Massage”
Reducing Stress=Sense of Control ID Personal Stress Reducers Outside of Work Activities ◦ Giving Rejuvenation vs Zoning Out Hot Shower/Bath Walking/Exercise Gardening Meditation Socializing w/Friends
Beneficial for Stress Management Key Concepts ◦ Emotional Self-Awareness ◦ Accurate Self-Assessment ◦ Self-Confidence ◦ Emotional Self-Control ◦ Empathy ◦ ID/Accept what CANNOT be Changed
Components to Manage ◦ Diet ◦ Sleep & Rest ◦ Body Mechanics ◦ Exercise ◦ Your Eyes ◦ Smoking ◦ Drugs ◦ Alcohol ◦ Caffeine See Next Slide
Mild Sx.’s ◦ Restlessness ◦ Nervousness ◦ Excitement/Insomnia ◦ Flushed Face ◦ GI c/o Moderate ◦ Muscle Twitching ◦ Rapid HR ◦ Abnormal CV Electrical Activity ◦ Psychomotor Agitation In a Nutshell ◦ Use Common Sense Cut Back if Experiencing Sx’s
Healthcare workers have shown to be at high risk for substance abuse. Many people turn to substances rather than developing effective coping mechanisms for stress and emotional fatigue. There ARE confidential programs available to help healthcare workers with these issues. Did You Know?
Many Caregivers are Reluctant ◦ Don’t want to “burden” Others ◦ Reflection on Self (Can’t Handle it) Don’t Wait until Overwhelmed/Exhausted Sign of Personal Strength Ensures Better Quality of Care Tips ◦ Prepare a Mental List ◦ Break Down to Simple Tasks ◦ Ask a Variety of People Not Always the Same Person
Some Members have More Developed Skills ◦ Advocating Their Needs ◦ Strongest Members can Feel Overwhelmed So: Advocate for Co-Workers and Team ◦ Notice and Offer Assistance ◦ Re-Affirm Self Care Skills ◦ Empower Each Other Teamwork: Taking Care of Self and Others
Self Care is a Continuous Process Self Goals ◦ Changing Negative Habits ◦ Developing Positive Qualities ◦ Realistic Expectations ◦ Synergistic Forces Working Together ◦ Leading a Balanced Life ◦ Practicing Self-Renewal