Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab CDF 2002 Toward Physics Richard J. Tesarek Fermilab For the CDF Collaboration
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Outline CDF Run II Physics Program CDF II Detector Status Where were we last year Progress since then Detector Performance MuonCalorimetry TrackingSilicon Particle ID Trigger Detector Operations Good News/Bad News Offline Reconstruction Physics for this Summer Heavy Flavor QCD Electroweak Near Term Plans Summary
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab CDF Run II Physics Goals Precision top and electroweak physics Higgs Bounds Discovery/Exclusion of light Higgs Discovery/Exclusion of light SUSY Searches: Quark-lepton compositeness New particle substructure New dynamics New forces Extra dimensions New space/time structures
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab CDF Run II Physics Goals Detailed study of B hadrons CP violation CKM constraints sin(2 ) from B 0 /B 0 J/ K s |V td / V ts | from B 0 -B 0 and B s -B s flavor oscillations Lifetimes Production cross section Narrow window of opportunity
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab CDF II Detector All new electronics New trigger & DAQ New software
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab CDF II Detector Components from run 1 o Central and extension muon system o Central & wall calorimeters o Solenoid & lots ‘ o steel New for run 2 o Forward muon detectors o Tracking systems Central tracker (COT) Silicon tracker (L00, SVX, ISL) o End plug calorimeter o Luminosity Monitor o Time of flight o Front end electronics (132ns) o DAQ & trigger o Software
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Last Year Accelerator turning on Installing/connecting new detectors Silicon Forward muon detectors Time of flight Commissioning detectors Reproducing commissioning run results Fixing dead/hot channels Correcting noisy channels Commissioning trigger hardware L1 track trigger L2 trigger boards Writing tuning software L3 algorithms Offline reconstruction
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Now Accelerator tuning up Luminosity on the rise Fewer beam related problems Store Initial Luminosity
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Now CDF Tuning up o More of experiment running o Improving data taking efficiency = 67% Low=20% High=93% Details follow… Delivered Luminosity To Tape
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Muon Systems Central & extension muon systems Run I Forward muon systems Run II
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Muon Systems Central & Extension Muon Detectors System commissioned and aligned 95% live Triggering on muon track stubs Forward Muon Detectors (New) System commissioned 98% live Alignment underway
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Calorimetry Central calorimeters Run I Plug & forward calorimeters Run II
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Central Calorimeter Run I detector New electronics Fully commissioned last summer o Energy Measurements 100% PMTs/electronics working Energy scale calibrated to ~1% Reproducing response maps of Run I o Position Measurements 99% chambers/electronics working Energy response calibration in progress Alignment to tracking ~5mm o Reconstruction advancing
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Plug Calorimeters New Detectors and new electronics Pb(Fe) scint. Sampling calorimeters Better E resolution Extended coverage More reliable Fully commissioned last summer Energy Measurement 100% PMTs/electronics working Energy scale calibrated to ~1% Forward calorimeter (Mini Plug) Extend coverage in to 47% instrumented
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Plug Shower Max Position Measurement in new detector New electronics Central tracking only covers ~1/2 plug calorimeter 99% PMTs/electronics working Inter channel calibration complete
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Plug Performance Calorimeter 100% live Shower Max 99% live Calibrations complete (~1% scale uncertainty)
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Time of Flight (TOF) Identify p, K, up to 2 GeV
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Time of Flight K+K-K+K-
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Central Tracking New Detector & Electronics Smaller cell size Multi-hit TDCs dE/dx encoded in pulse width Hit resolution ~175 m Single track efficiency 100% P (GeV) dE/dx
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Detector X-ray Map out Material in CDF E loss and multiple scattering Feed into MC Close track pattern recognition
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Silicon New Large system o L00: Improve d 0 o SVXII: Increased accept 3D vertex finding o ISL: Increase tracking to eta=2
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Silicon Commissioning Commissioning in progress Problems are mostly fixed during access Accelerator related problems Cooling problems in ISL Initial alignment good ( <50 m) Trigger
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Luminosity Monitor Cherenkov radiation detector Increased segmentation in smaller area Less pile up at high rate Decreased sensitivity to secondary particles Direct measure of luminous region Timing and pulse height recorded
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Detector Summary Subsystem%Comments Luminosity Monitor100%Running Silicon: L00 SVX ISL 97% 90% 60% Running commissioning cooling+commissioning Central Tracker (COT) 100%Running Missing one cell from broken wire Time-of-Flight100%Running Shower Max99%Central aligned ~5mm Calorimeters100%Running Muon: central forward 90% 100% Chamber currents Running Forward Detectors47%commissioning
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Trigger L1: tracks, jets, leptons,E T, Missing E T L2: impact parameter, calorimeter clusters L3: full reconstruction 50 Hz ~20MB/s Hz 45 kHz
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab MISSING SLIDE Fast Track Trigger (XFT)
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Silicon Vertex Trigger (SVT) Impact/displaced vertex trigger L xy Beam spot secondary vertex R PTPT o Initial alignment < 50 m o Real time position to MCR Resolution 48 m Cut d 0 > 120 m c ~ 360um (B decays)
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Hadronic B Trigger Trigger on fully hadronic b decays L1: >2 XFT tracks; P T > 1.5 GeV L2: >2 SVT tracks; P T > 2.0 GeV; d 0 >120 m
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab DAQ and Offline DAQ: Operating at design (20Mb/sec) Offline: Processing keeping up with DAQ DAQ: data to tape Offline: data processed
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Operations “Smooth running until something breaks” Muon chamber currents Run I: CMP currents ~1 A Run II: CMP currents ~10 A Power supply failures Silicon problems October incident April incident ISL cooling Blocked lines Beam related backgrounds
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Power Supply FailuresI 43 VME power supplies failed in the collision hall since last year Failures due to radiation soft power MOSFET undergoing single event burnout Solutions identified involving: o Power supply modification Adjust power supply operating conditions Install radiation hard components o Installation of additional shielding
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab ISL Cooling (Angioplasty) Status: 12 blocked lines blocked at installation 5 lines cleared so far (6/9/02) Work continuing during shutdown High power laser To clear lines
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab B Physics Program Start with charm Plans for summer conferences o Total direct inclusive charm cross section pp cc + X o D s + – D + mass difference Momentum scale calibrated Energy loss and multiple scattering understood
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Charm Summer conferences Ratio of branching ratios o D 0 K - : D 0 D 0 K+K- D0D0 D0K+K-D0K+K- D0K+D0K+
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab QCD + Jets Parton distribution functions at high Transverse energy (E T ) Pseudorapidity ( Quark-lepton compositness
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab CDF Highest Et Dijet Event Jet E T1 =403.3 GeV, 1 =0.037 Jet E T2 =322.0 GeV, 2 = Vertex z = 39.0 cm Missing E T significance = 1.93
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab W Reconstruction Data quality good!
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Searches The hunt is on! Z’ ->
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Near Term Plans Present Access Clear ISL cooling lines Install temporary shielding Complete L2 trigger work June-Oct 2002 Finish commissioning silicon Take data Summer conferences Oct 2002 Shutdown Install additional shielding (proton side) Additional ISL cooling work
Fermilab Users Meeting June R.J. Tesarek Fermilab Summary CDF II detector is off and running Most detectors working near 100% Detector performance nearing/exceeding design spec Beginning to collect data with higher efficiency Silicon still being commissioned Beam related backgrounds First physics results this summer Look for more as the data arrives