P is For… Current Word: Passion Your Word: Perseverance Why? Because teaching like a PIRATE involves changing habits and training your brain to think in a different way. You need perseverance to continue down the road of trying to be a better teacher.
I is For… Current Word: Immersion Your Word: Why? Not changing this one. I think it is important to immerse yourself in the moment. The students need you to be there 100%. Also all the goofy ideas will not work unless you are immersed in your lesson and classroom.
r is For… Current Word: Rapport Your Word: Why? Not changing: Rapport is one of the first steps, the famous teaching quote “ they don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”
a is For… Current Word: Ask and analyze Your Word: Why? Not changing: This is important because students constantly need to be analyzed to make sure they are understanding the content. We as teachers also need to ask and analyze ourselves to make sure we are delivering the content in the best way.
t is For… Current Word: transformation Your Word: Why? Not Change: Transformation is what you see after you complete all of the letters. Transformation will happen to you as a teacher then in your classroom because of that.
e is For… Current Word: enthusiasm Your Word: Why? Not changing. Enthusiasm is important because as a teacher you will not feel the same enthusiasm every single day, but you still need to show that same enthusiasm to your students. Fake it until you make it!