History GCSE 2010 – revision 1 ► How to revise ► Key issues from mocks ► What the examiners report said ► Key factors – examples ► Key factors – how to use them to answer questions
Ideas for how to revise ► history/shp/ history/shp/ history/shp/ ► Read your book ► Textbook ► Revision cards ► Rewriting notes from memory ► Record yourself speaking your notes
Bishop Justus mocks ► Lack of knowledge ► Lack of organisation – using the words of the question in the answer - Using PEE for any why questions - (on paper 2) just describing the source, whatever the question was! - Lack of own knowledge!
The examiners say…. ► Paper 1 - Medicine ► Write less for 1a – a para is enough ► Underline the key words in the question ► YOU NEED TO KNOW THE FACTORS AND USE THEM!!!! ► Work out key question words – continuity/change/impact/contribution/ ► progress
► Paper 1 – American West ► No need for own knowledge on 1a ► Own knowledge in general not known well enough!!! ► NB – the concepts for Medicine DON’T apply here….
Medicine – key factors (for what?!) ► War – WW2 – penicillin. WW1 – plastic surgery, storing blood. ► Government – compulsory vaccination, penicillin, Public Health Acts (1848, 1875), NHS, Romans ► Individuals
► Chance – chicken cholera 1880, 1928 penicillin Simpson ► Attitudes and beliefs – Church anti- dissection. Church – anaesthetics are bad. Laissez-faire. ► Science and technology – microscopes, germ theory. ► Communications – printing press 1400s.
You have to spot when a question wants them…. ► What factors led to Pasteur’s success with vaccines? ► Why have such rapid developments in surgery taken place since 1900? ….
Explain why the causes of so many diseases were discovered in the late nineteenth century. Science+tech – good microscopes Individuals – Pasteur+Koch both intelligent+thorough Govt – funding them+their teams – 1870 war.