Basic Principles of Theater Production Hegel Tsai Hegel Tsai 2010/11/09 + KP's Theatre ClassKP's Theatre Class
Outline Director, Stage manager and Prompter Staging Cast: Performing Crew: Property Costumes and Make-up Lighting Sound effects Rehearsals
Director Director Decisions Stage manager Monitor back stage progress Director’s assistant Prompter Document EVERYTHING Present in rehearsals
Priority: Audience Background of the play: time and space Sets the tone of the scene Will go through several modifications Never Crowd the stage: blocking
Performing Poise & Focus Characterization and Acting Eye Contact Projection and Diction Pace Ensemble Blocking
Crew Property Make (find) props Changing scenes Precision Costumes and Make-up Measurements Find Costumes Thick make-up Efficiency
Crew (2) Lighting Background Well balanced Must shed enough light on the performers Color: Sets the tone of the (play) scene Precision Sound Effects Background Provide the audience with something they cannot see Sound Cues Precision
Rehearsals Punctuation Warm-ups Note taking Rehearsals Blocking Movement Exploratory Performance
Conclusion Dedication Participation Communication Modification Having Fun
KP’s Theatre Class KP’s Theatre Class (video) (website)website Character – Lines, stage directions, dialogue Ask questions about his/her background, surroundings, everything about him/her. Non-verbal language walk (leading center) Leban movement; direct, heavy movement
More about blocking KP's Theatre Class - Stage Directions.mp4 (blocking, open position, KP's Theatre Class - KP’s Theatre Basics: Composition KP’s Theatre Basics Stage Lighting Stage Lighting
The College Theatre
References Student Actor Objectives 舞台設計與燈光設計概述 Stage Managing Music-and-Theater-Arts/21M-606Introduction-to- StagecraftSpring2003/F02D8137-4EFC-4DBF ABFB060BD77/0/StageManualrev06.pdf Music-and-Theater-Arts/21M-606Introduction-to- StagecraftSpring2003/F02D8137-4EFC-4DBF ABFB060BD77/0/StageManualrev06.pdf