Parking Lots 10 & 11
Child Care Parking Lot #12
Parking Lot #16
Benefits of Solar Covered Parking Structures Provides Solar Covered parking for students in Child Care, Lot #10 and #16 Under canopy lighting Produces approximately 350kW A/C power to offset the majority of power on 3 meters which equates to lower utility expenses Estimated 682,500 in annual kWh savings Years 1 to 5 Positive Cash Flow to Gen Fund Through Energy Cost Savings $ 770,000 Estimated SCE CSI rebates $ 474,340 Total Net Positive Cash Flow in Years 1 to 5: $ 1,244,340 Over 25-Year Life Cycle Total Net Positive Cash Flow : $ 7,939,586 VVC Investment $ 3,106,217
Cash Flow