1914 – 1918
How have the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan impacted your daily life? What kind of sacrifice are you willing to make in support a war effort by the United States?
Warm-up Notes over Political, Economic, and Social impacts of WWI on Texas. Picture of WWI Video Clips Reflection
U.S. Involvement after sinking of the Lusitania. German Submarine shot a torpedo at and sank the Lusitania. 120 Americans on board were killed.
Germany and Mexico. Letter from German secretary of state intercepted bound for Mexico. Stated that Mexico join alliances with Germany and after their victory would regain the territories of New Mexico, Texas and Arizona.
Edward M. House was the closest advisor to President Woodrow Wilson. Four major military camps in Texas Camp Bowie in Ft. Worth Camp Travis in San Antonio Camp Logan in Houston Camp MacArthur in Waco.
Raised Money by buying Liberty Bonds. Women joined the workforce Some foods were rationed.
Approximately 500 women from Texas served as nurses. Approximately 5000 Texans gave their lives. Sacrificed on the home front. Rationed Volunteered for Red Cross
museum.smugmug.com/CurriculumGuide/7E- World-War- I/ _pmMvvV#!i= &k=RJMv Wcc museum.smugmug.com/CurriculumGuide/7E- World-War- I/ _pmMvvV#!i= &k=RJMv Wcc
Drop Kick Murphys k k Songs of pictures of World War I E28 E28 E E
Should the United States have joined WWI and why? Write at least five complete sentences and show Mrs. Smith your reflection before you place your journal in the crate.