Funding Oregon’s Future Michael Elliott State School Fund Coordinator Oregon Department of Education
Introduction History Philosophy Revenue Disbursements Formula Supplemental Revenue
History K-12 Funding * * Estimated
Philosophy Discussion: 1.Is the formula a distribution formula or a spending formula and what is the difference? 2.Is the formula based on equity or equality and what is the difference?
Other Equities in Formula: District Equity District & ESD Equity
Philosophy Formula is NOT: Cost reimbursement Entitlement Guaranteed Accountability System
Philosophy Questions?
Current State and Local Revenue Biennium
13 State School Support Funding Level (estimated millions) Estimated Estimated State Revenue$3,617$3,747 Local Revenue $1,728 $1,860 Total SSF$5,345$5,607
State Revenue ($7.37 B)
Local Revenue
Stays with the district where collected
Local Revenue
Disbursements Programs Sub-Grants
Programs Tag support at ODE - $175,000 Speech Pathology Program - $75,000 Network of Quality Teaching and Learning - $22,500,000 Local Option Equalization Grant - $1,767,791 Skill Nursing Facility ~ $2,600,000 Long Term Care and Treatment ~ $11,500,000 Oregon School for the Deaf ~ $1,500,000 Oregon Virtual School District - $800,000
Sub-Grants Transportation Grant High Cost Disability Grant Facility Grant Small High School Grant
Transportation Grant Transportation Grant from to * * and Estimated
Weights CategoryWeight Amount Average Daily Membership (ADMr)1.0 Special Education1.0 Special Education above 11% CapVariable ESL0.5 Poverty0.25 Neglected/Delinquent/Foster0.25 Pregnant and Parenting1.0 Small High School CorrectionVariable Remote Small Elementary School CorrectionVariable
Weights School district has the following students: 1.1,000 ADMr eligible for Special Education ESL Poverty What is the total weight?
Weights District has following students: 1.1,000 ADMr IEP 3.50 ESL Poverty 5.50 Neglected/Delinquent Total Weights?
Weights Assume a per student funding of $6,800 1.How much does District #1 get? 2.How much does District #2 get?
Extended ADMw YEAR vs YEAR
Extended ADMw The first year’s ADMw is 1,225 and the second year’s ADMw is 1,210, and the per student funding is $6,800. How much will the district receive?
Teacher Experience District Average – State Average Positive or Negative
Actual Formula
Timeline MonthAction December of prior yearSchool District Business Managers submit estimates of the year’s attendance and local revenue First Monday in MarchOfficial Estimate for upcoming year published March through JulyEstimates are updated July 15 th First State School Fund payment made July through JanuaryMonthly payments made with update possible January/February/March/AprilUpdate ADM and Local Revenue data MayLast payment made May of following yearReconciliation
Revenue Outside the Lines Local Option Tax Measure 5 Limit Measures 47 & 50 Limit Local Option Tax
Revenue Outside the Lines Construction Excise Tax New construction only Funds for capital improvements $1 for residential $0.50 for non-residential $25,000 cap
Reporting Annual independent audit File budget and audit with ODE Other required collections
Michael Elliott Oregon Department of Education